
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 10:31:02
英语翻译下面的文字在一个月之前,当我步入高中大门的时候,我突然发觉有些及其重要的事情已不知不觉发生了.我告别了种种的不成熟,进入了另一个人生中重要的阶段,并且将面临更多的困 12生肖什么动物最威武?说明理由 12生肖中,什么动物脚齿头少?有几只呢? 杰克美语的地址是魏公村附近吗?开车怎么走?现在报名的折扣大吗?外教口语的具体开课时间?从紫竹桥过去.最好附上联系方式? 我母亲每天坐公共汽车上班的英语怎么写,急, 我妈妈每天坐公共汽车上班 两种说法英语 帮我看看这句句子对不对Where is the smoothies be favorite in? 房间在阴面,没有阳光!养的植物需要光照,问下什么灯具可充当光源! 光线不好的房间内摆放什么植物? 关于生长素,植物向光生长是只向太阳光生长还是什么光都可以?如果用纸盒封死一棵植物,在纸盒左边给光源,纸盒右边开一个小窗,植物会向小窗生长嘛? 皮特正在邀请他的朋友参加她的生日聚会.Peter ____ ____ his friends ____ his birthday party. I met__friends at his birthday partyA.one if JeanB.some of jean C.some of Jean's D.Jean's somewhy some friends sent postcards him on his birthday. 杰克英语怎么写 公交车上的英语提示!急!该死的暑假要做这个作业,麻烦哪位耳朵好的给我写一下,有多少写多少就是从一个站开到另一个站之间说的那些,什么扶好站稳、向后门靠拢之类的非常感谢~!虽然有可 10.________work did we have to do that we were so exhausted.A.Too much B.So much C.Too little为什么是B too 和so的用法是什么much和little呢? .My problem is that I don't have much time to do the Many a time (have we tried) that rest.Under no circumstances (shall we discontinue) the work w...Many a time (have we tried) that rest.Under no circumstances (shall we discontinue) the work we've begun.这两句为什么用倒装?Out (he rushed) with C\C++大家帮我看看这句到底啥意思啊?HANDLE m_hThread;operator HANDLE() const{ return m_hThread; }operator 后面不是接运算符吗?怎么. 一个酒精的瓶身呈圆柱形,已知它的容积为188.4立方厘米,当瓶身正放时,瓶内酒精的液面高6厘米,瓶身倒放时,空余部分高为2厘米,瓶内酒精的体积是多少立方厘米? 一个酒精的瓶身成圆柱形,已知容积为188.4立方厘米,当瓶身放正时,瓶内洒精的液面高6厘米,瓶身放倒时,空余部分高两厘米,瓶内酒精的体积是多少立方厘米? I would like to make some foreign friends whoever speak English to improve my English ! 不是要翻译Hello ! my name is Renshen . I am a high school student in changsha, is a cheerful boys and making friends is my hobby . i really want to practice It’s hardly too much to say that...请分析句子意思及类型!后面加什么时态?应该用在作文那个部位?举例说明 He has been to Beijing three times.转换一般疑问句 it is hardly any wonder that his friends doesn't like watching television much请翻译成汉语 It is _____any wonder that his friend does not like watching TV much A no B such C nearly D hardlyD 为什么其他的不对, 请帮我看看这句话有错吗my idol is Michael Jordan and I dream one day I could play basketball as good as him. 请帮我看看这句话有没有错Je n'aime pas la salade.Qu'est-ce que je peux remplacer par?我想表达的意思是:我不喜欢沙拉,有没有什麼可以替换?看看这样写对不对.还有一个疑问:remplacer 后面是不是一定要加 帮我看看这句话有错吗?读《悲惨世界》,从中能感受到的是人间的真情和一种默默的爱.从雨果的字里行间中,我能体会到"自由、平等、博爱"的思想.书中虽然有许多不幸的人,悲惨的人,但是,有 你帮我看看这句话有错么Dim ,,Form2.Picture1.Scale (-10,3)-(300,-0.2)Form2.Picture1.Line (-3,0)-(300,0) 'XForm2.Picture1.Line (0,3)-(0,0) 'YFor i = 0 To 300 Step 25 'X轴坐标Form2.Picture1.Line (i,0.1)-(i,0)Form2.Picture1.Print iNext iFor How to make some foreign friends in the netI want to make some foreign friends in the net.Getting their e-mail to write english for practicing my english! darling,i love you so much.i was fell in love with you.i just wanna you to say:"i love you too…