
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 14:45:47
描写“菊花”的诗句? 有一个运动场(如图)它的两头是半圆形,中间是长方形.小明围绕这个运动场跑了5圈 他跑了多少米?运动场占地面积多少?运动场的长是80米,宽40米 有一个运动场的两头是半圆形,中间是长方形,小明每天绕这个运动差跑2圈,小明每天跑多少米? 直接引语转间接she said "I played basketball yesterday"变为了she said she played basketball the day before.为什么要把yesterday 变为 the day before 这样意思不是发生改变了吗 鬼加戊什么字 5x+1/5=2 4/7x-1/5x=2 1/3x-1/7=3/7 (2-5/6)x=14 books,pens,maps,desks.找出最后一个S和其他三个不同的单词. 1000个碱基对算其所控制形成的信使RNA中含有的密码子最多几个?why? 已知关于X的方程X-2/A+3=2-X/1-X有增根,求a的值 用代入法解方程组:一题x+2y=5,y-3z=-7,4z+x=13 二题 2x+y+z=-13y-z=-13x+2y+3z=-5 若关于X的方程(x+2)\(x-1)+a\(1-x)=2有增根,则增根,则增根的值为? Maths 和 books它们后面的s发音一样吗 发音是一个青浦音S除外,-S发S的音,如:books、suits this books please sorry 中s的发音是不一样的吗 英语卷子(一)汉译英大合唱比赛____________找出句中错误的地方并改正1.When are you born?2.How age are born?3.My birthday is May 1th.4.We have a Art Festival every year.连次组1.year what you were born )_________________________ 英语课时作业还有卷子1.If the doctor hadn't come on time,he ______.A.would have die B.will have die C.dead D.dies2.—If I go to the old man's home ,I'll bring them some flowers.—______.A.So will I B.So I will C.So do I D.So I do3.Help you 英语套卷——端午作业——It's important for us to know where _____ fire exit is when we stay in a hotel.——That's right.If ____ fire alarm goes off,we can excape from there easily.Athe;a Ba;the C 做否定回答 肯定和否定回答? 如何上好小学低年级的口语交际课 直接引语转化为间接引语1."I don't know the address of my new home,"said Anne.2."I've got tired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows,"Anne said to her father.3."I need to pack up my things in the suitcase very quickl 直接引语与间接引语转化1.Mr.Black said,‘I am busy.'2.He says,‘I like it very much.’3.Tom says to me,‘I've left my book in your room.4.He said,‘Light travels much faster than sound.'5.She asked us to sit down.6.He said to him,‘Go 乙酸中至少有几个原子在同一平面内?RT, shipper and consignee可以是同一个名称么?主要是因为客户开来的信用证上要求的~如果真要按照他们的要求,那么,我们承担的风险就很大的了~能够拿到提单正本又能怎样?因为要交单到银行议付的 第16届华杯赛初赛公开试题的答案我就是不懂分析,快啊,我明天就要去考啦两数之和与两数之商都是6,那么这两数之积减这两数之差(大减小)等于( A.二十六又七分之四 B.五又七分之一 C. 怎样才能上好口语交际课 有三个连续偶数的和比其中最大的一个大12,则这三个偶数为 做否定回答. 英语肯定,否定回答Is Mary David's cousin?怎么否定回答is Sally Anna's friend?怎么肯定回答 重量法所测试样质量应根据什么原则计算(分析化学实验思考题) 用加减法解下列二元一次方程组:x+y=104 13x+11y=1240 13x+11y=1240 x+y=104 直接给答案.越快越好。