
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 22:10:16
英语翻译我的人生目标是成为一名企业家,赚好多好多的钱,过得舒适的生活.但人活着不能被金钱所奴役,君子爱财取之有道.很小的时候就开始崇拜比尔盖茨,希望像他那样成为一个商业领袖,拥 from now 与from now on 区别 Last week,we did a survey of the___(read) places in our city 英语中形容词的最高级什么时候加est 什么时候加most ?请说明清楚特例(双音节词也加most的)或者是两种都可以的词. 单词中aboard与get on区别它们在用时有分别吗 aboard 与all aboard之间有什么区别?麻烦读清楚问题!!!!!是aboard不是abroad. 求 人教九年级历史复习提纲 谢谢了!zhutou4386@163.com 鱼虫怎么养 养了一只罗汉鱼,里面放了水蚤活饵,只打氧不开过滤行不 S后面的t、k、g发音有呵规律? 学宝盖下面放个几 是什么字 怎么用拼音打出来?冗 这个字怎么打 用拼音 如何写情诗我的名字是潘海洋,对方马雪平.相遇是因为我开车时不小心把她车子撞了,谁能帮我写首诗.. 怎么写情诗 下面那个字用 拼音 怎么打471084018 英语翻译the top person on the 麻烦帮我解释一下board的用法. 请高手帮我写情诗,希望诗里带格格二字,我非常的爱她,但是她还没有接受我,帮我写首情诗,打动她,我是一名军人,我们见面的机会很少,诗里有我的名字,最好,我叫刘城! if it had not been for the caption,the ship ___with all on boardA would have sunk B would have been sunk为什么不是B呢 不应该用被动吗 水蚤的养殖水蚤怎么才能繁殖的更多 把It rains here in summer改为否定句,一般疑问句,对here进行提问 dream is ___ to a famous college.A go B come C to go D coming拜托请写个理由,你写个ABCD有什么意思呢 My uncle is a ____ of English in Fudan University.(professional) 求有关古诗的小知识 Which famous university is in England? 鹰翅膀标志是什么车 请问这个句子中where的用法高中牛津英语必修四第58页,在课文The Time Machine中有这么一句话:He finally stops thirty million years into the future and experiences a future time where the sun no longer shines brightly.请详 请教这句里的where的用法Where the importer of the import goods fails to declare the import goods to the Customs within three months of the declaration of the arrival of the means of trasport,the goods shall be taken over and sold off by the C where此句用法This kind of writing is often found in art,where understanding how an artist created a certain effect is important.这里where是引导的什么句?表示什么含义? where在这句话中是什么用法?I can offer you a job where you can be well paid.where 在这里是什么用法?这句话能的where能不能换成which?请详细说明. 这句子里where possible的用法Our guarantee aims to ensure that you can pre-bookaccommodation before arriving here and,where possible,we will let youknow your accommodation details before you arrive. 高分求翻译 请环保专业人士帮忙翻译一个论文摘要和关键词需要翻译的内容为 测定费水中总磷的两种预处理方法的比较 摘要:对测定总磷含量的两种预处理方法即过硫酸钾和硝酸-硫酸 夏天最好穿上什么颜色的衣裳? My cousin can speak e_____ French,so I often learn French from her.