
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 17:25:12
Because的中文意思? 1.It is said that the number of Chinese characters users can type on their mobile phone is ( B ) the total number of Chinese characters .The reason is that the character input systems are made by foreign cellphone producers.A 25 percent as less as B 初中英语都学些什么?有什么很好的方法?老师都有什么要求?反正就是关于初中英语的,尽管说 please 后面为什么加动词原型 please后面的动词要加ing吗,为什么,怎么加 If the building project _____ by the end of this month is delayed ,the consruction company will be fined.A.being completed B.is completed C.to be completed D.completed 24.The noise of desks could be heard out in the street.A.to be opened and closed B.having opened and closedC.across; to follow D.opened and closed. 用修改符号修改病句:丛林中的小兴安岭,生长着很多奇花异草. please后面要用动词原型还是现在进行时 please作为动词怎样用顺便举个例子 谢谢 please后面动词用什么形式 谁知道G’day是什么节日? be care后接动词什么形式 一个正方形的所有棱长的和是24米,这个正方形的体积是?立方米 长5厘米、宽1厘米的长方形能否把它剪成几块,拼成一个正方形?如果能,请你拼出图形;如果不能,请说明理由 将一块长60米、宽40米的长方形土地划分成相等的小正方形(边长为整米).共划分成几块小正方形 Please 在后面时动词用什么? 喜欢黑夜的人,是一个怎样的人?夜深人静的时候就感觉很惬意·~害怕阳光,阳光下感到不自在~在你的理解,是一个怎样的人? 喜欢黑夜的人说明什么 在括号中可以打句号吗? 作者说“我在书林中却挖掘到无穷的宝藏”,你曾在书林中挖掘到宝藏吗?请举个例子. I found him____nothing all day.A.do B.does C.doing D.to do 为什么不选B呢?不是要和him保持一致吗 The children aren't at home.They______(go)to thepark填什么还有l两题Air is _____(colour).We can't see it.The new airport was in use in1998.(改为同义句)The new airport______ ______ ______ _______ ______ 1998.再来个分析 帮忙看看这个英文句子哪里错了When you have finished using my pen,please return to me in time. The science building is___ the dining hall and thThe science building is___ the dining hall and the________. 选择:——interesting it is to go sailing in Qingdao in summer!A How B How an CWhat DWhat an 桌子上的书不可能是我的.The book on the desk__________. In 2009,Thanksgiving day is on Nov.______ We have___rain this spring.The trees and grass don't grow well.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few what would your like?这几个单词哪一个错掉了? lf you feel my love的意思 How do you feel why?用英语回答