
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 05:41:29
当N=1时,X=1;N=2时,X=3;N=3时,X=7;N=4时,X=15;N=5时,X=31;那么当N=N时,X=? 初二上册英语,句型转换 已知x>0,y>0,且x+y=1 求:{根号(x+1) + 根号(y+1) }的最小值 (k-3)x^(k-2)+x^2+kx+1=0是关于x的一元二次方程,则k的取值为注意是一元二次方程,我觉得是2.3.4,但老师说2不对,不胜受恩感激一楼,你说k=2时原式应该是-1+x^2+2x+1=o x^2+2x=0如果方程无解,就不能算是一 8-3(x+0.2)=0.8解方程怎么解 (X-8)/X=0.2(X-8)/X=0.2 部分英语题(连词成句)the,tomorrow,the,will,meeting,playground,take,in,place(.)are,come,we,to,when,Shanghai,to,going,back(?)sweater,and,is,outside,you,wear,a,it,snowing,should,heavily(.) 英汉互译和对划线部分提问(共4题)1.约翰(John)的几张画2.史密斯先生毕生(lifelong)的爱好3.史密斯先生的那个爱好4.I can stand on my hand.划线部分;stand on my hand 1:Which room shall we live in tonight?In __A the Room 406 B Room 406 C the 406 Room D 406 Room2 __ interesting the news is!A How B What3 Do you know the differences __ the three words?A among B between C with D abouthow和 WHAT 用法有什么不同 英语翻译他是我最喜欢的演员,我认为他最棒.He is ______ ______actor,I_____he is_______.瑞克经常和他父亲去看电影.Rick often _____ _____ _____ movies _____ his_______.Rick Smith His farorite actor is——————.______ 英语翻译1.We go to school five days a week.对five提问对five days a week提问2.She plays with her cat for two hours.对two提问对for two hours提问3.他爸爸每天骑摩托车送他去上学.(翻译 2种) 高一下册数学学必修几 英语翻译 和英语,都应该学必修几,f 英语选择题求重要的解析以及答案 谢谢1 The boy is often found ( )in reading books. A absorbs B is absorbed C absorbing D absorbed2 Only the men held the view ( ) the book was right A that,what B what,that C all,what D 英语选择题 (要答案和重要的解析)Every time () I go to school, i am usually riding my bick,() i take a bus.A when besides B 不填 except when C when except for D 不填 except for He insisted taht he fell in l 1The house stands( )the trees,it’s quiet.A in B among C between Dwith2Mr.Li is a friend of( )A Mary‘s mother B Mary‘s mother's C mother's of Mary D Mary mother's3There are ( )workers in the factory.A six hundreds and twenty-two B si 已知关于x的一元二次方程(3-k)(2-k)x²-(24-9k)x+18=0的两根均为整数时,求所有满足条件的实数k的值. 已知关于x的一元二次方程(3-K)(2-K)x^2-(24-9K)x+18=0的两根均为整数时,求所有满足条件的实数k的值 高一下学期语文学必修3还有吗 高一下半学期语文学哪今本必修? 高一下学期语文学啥 f(x)=㏒a (x³-ax) (a>0,a不等于1)在区间(-1/2,0)单调递增,则a的范围是 高中数学函数单调性已知函数f(x)=a的x方+(x-2)/(x+1) (a>1) 判断f(x)在(-1,+无穷)上的单调性 必须用定义法证明啊 1.翻译:1.人【提示,是p.】2.谈话【提示,是c...】2.选择填空:Francisco often ------- soccer after school.------填 A.playsB.playC.goD.goes 2010—2011高一下学期数学、物理、化学雪必修几啊?我是北京市朝阳区的 已知f(x)对任意x、y(属于R)满足f(x)+f(y)=f(x+y) 且当x>0时,f(x) f(x)=根号(X平方+2*X-3)的单调减区间是___________.我用导数做,可是算不出来 划线英语翻译,谢谢 y=3(x-(1/2))^2+1 当y=0x=? 当x=-2,y=3时,求x/x+y+1/y-2的值 当x=5 y=3时,求(x-y)2-(x+y)的值