
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 02:49:11
德语 日期 den 5.5.Am Montag ,den 5.5.sind sie in Muenchen.请问den 5.5是指5月5日吗?我听到的是den fuenften,fuenften,sind sie in Muenchen.没有听到den fuenften Mai这是怎么回事呢?, 德语的这个提问能用auf den 吗?有这么一个例子Alle Augen richten sich auf (den Wandel am Potsdamer Platz).对括号里提问,答案上用的是Worauf richten sich alle Augen?我参照别的觉得Auf wen开头也行吧,怎么写Auf wen r 翮 怎么读 什么意思 用适合的形式填空喔(make,do,activity,report,discuss,chassmate)1、Jack ___ his homewoek las nigh.2、My mother always _____ cclothes for me.3、Could i invite some _____ to our home.4、The weather _____ says that it will be cloudy tomorrow what do you think of_____(make)a bookcase for Dad?适当形式填空 英语翻译闵子骞兄弟二人,母死,其父更娶,复有二子,子骞为其父御车,失辔,父持其手,寒,衣甚单.父则归,呼其后母儿,持其手,衣甚厚温.即谓其妇曰:“吾所以娶汝,乃为吾子,今汝欺我,去无留.” 骞腾酬勤这几个字的含义 凤骞骞以降瑞兮,患山鸡之杂飞 .译文是什么? 写篇作文的错误如何改正? "齐桓公求管仲五蠹"这句文言文这样翻译? I wonder who you are like He is a careless boy and often makes mistakes.makes mistakeszuode作的什么成分 Jake is a ____boy.He often makes mistakes 有没有什么狂暴一点的金属乐?譬如Slipknot那一类的,类似于People=shit这种歌的?望达人指点一二啊最好是颓废或者是旋死,哥特也可以 齐桓公问管仲曰:“王者何贵?”曰:“贵天.”桓公仰而视天,管仲曰:“所谓天 齐桓公问管仲曰:“”曰:“贵天.”桓公仰而视天,管仲曰:“所谓天者非谓苍苍莽莽之天也;君人者以百姓 英语翻译如题,原文:桓公问管仲曰:‘王者何贵’?曰:‘贵天’.桓公仰而视天.管仲曰:所谓天者,非谓苍苍莽莽之天也.人君者,以百姓为天.百姓与之则安,辅之则强,非之则危,背之则亡.”诗云 She often makes good________(suggestion) she often makes the bed .怎样变否定句? Cool people no funny shit好像不是什么好话. Millie is taller than( )(other)student in her class.Do you feel like( )(sing)English songs?Please practice as( )(much)as you can.It's a little( )(wet)today than yesterday. John is taller than the other students in his clasd 同义句 英语非谓语问题①.The governmengt plans to bring in new laws______parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children.A forced B forcing C to be forced D having forced (我知道选B但不定式to force行吗)②.closed Your advice is good,I'ii ___it.A take B qive C make Don't make any noise,children.Your father is at work.这里的children前面为什么不能加the? active是什么意思 lte中active是什么意思 英语翻译1、Other ingredients:Gelatin,stearic acid,calcium silicate,and silicon dioxide.2、Vacular complete provides nutritional factors which work toward optimizing the function of your blood vessels and cardiovascular system. 英语翻译请大家帮我翻译以下 英语翻译The acceptance criteria specified inindividual monographs and in the general chapters for compounded preparationsare based on such attributes of quality as might be expected to characterize anarticle compounded from suitablebulk drug subs head and 还有neck and 这是个英语词语,不单单是头的意思,我查了半天没查到, 介词埴空He oaften arrives home very l介词埴空He oaften arrives home very late 为什么国旗在月球会飘