
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 20:01:02
请问emphasis有没有复数? Doing it properly makes considerable demands on our time. it is considerable that请问这个搭配可以吗? Writing is a slow process,requiring _____ thought,time,and effort.A.significant B.considerable为啥选B 不选C?C.enormous D.considerate抱歉, 谢谢你的鼓励 用英文怎么说 Having been through nearly 3 years of time on campus,I have obtained considerable experience语法有什么问题么...我从小语法就差,大家看这两句话都是现在完成时. 跟另一个人或事物比较起来显得远远不如什么成语成语 I have been I have been laid是我跟人上过床的意思吗?为什么会是这个意思呢 伯伯和我是什么关系比如我和爸爸的关系是父子 我女朋友在英国,移动发短信的费用怎么算? [-A95] After the Arab states won independence,great em phasis was laid on education,withgirls as well as boys ______ to go to school .A.to be encouraged B.encouragingC.encouragedD.be encouraged翻译并分析 after the Arab states won independence great emphasis was laid on expanding education ,with girl as well as boys( )encouraged to go to school A to be encouraged B been encouraged C being encouraged D be encouraged After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on education, with girls as wel... After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on education, with girls as well as boys _____ to go to school. A. to be encouraged B 一件工作甲乙合作需24天完成,乙丙合作需40天完成,甲丙合作需30天完成,若甲乙丙独做各需多少天? After the Arab states won their independence,much attention was paid to developing education,with girls as well as boys( )to go to school.A.been encouraged B.encouraged C.to be encouraged D.be encouraged本人语法不是很好 甲乙工作完成需15天,乙丙完成需20天,甲丙完成需30天,甲乙丙一起工作需几天? 英语单选:1284After the Arab states won independance ,After the Arab states won independance ,great emphasis was laid on expanding education,with girls as well as boys ____ to go to school.A.to be encouragedB.being encouraged 借一种事物来表达自己的志向的诗句有哪些? 蝗虫的后翅是什么形状的?蝗虫膜质的后翅是不是三角形的? 伯父伯母这样的称谓到底是用给谁的?伯父伯母的称谓是用给同龄人的家长的?还是用给未婚妻/夫的家长噢?是不是南北方有差异噢?不懂 我的伯父伯母.我的孩子要怎么称呼? 很常见的一种昆虫,绿色的,长长细细的,小时候以为是蚱蜢,请问到底是什么(附照片) 新疆人一般对伯父伯母一类人称呼为什么?有一种称呼是阿帕和达达,但是一般新疆人在生活上是怎么叫呢?也是这么叫的么?还有,新疆本地人管自己的父母叫什么?最好这四个称呼都告诉一下吧! 伯父、伯母这两个称谓的由来如题 有12个零件,其中有一个是次品,但不知次品其他是轻是重,怎样才能3次称出两天内请给我一个答案 赤道-两极的自然风光 雨林-冰原的自然风光赤道、两极、雨林、冰原有哪些自然景观比较出名呀? 自然景观从赤道到极地产生明显地域分异的基础是?A.热量B.水分C,地形D.植被 ╭ァ看不到的〈天空〉 的情侣名 海王星上有水吗 帮我想你个情侣名 女的是如果天空会流泪男的该写啥木急用. “米兰的天空,美么”相对的情侣名可以是什么拜托各位了 3Q 第一次去女友家,吃饭时应不应该给伯父伯母和她夹菜?还有应该注意些什么?要为伯父伯母做些什么?我的一生幸福在次一举!我感激不尽!