
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:16:01
宣化上人是哪儿人 3.3二甲基-4-乙基庚烷的同分异构体(至少四种) 有机物我碰到一个题如上图 试管中有一些铁丝 将上面的塞子打开 下面的关着 很快就看到红棕色气体充满了试管 为什么? 春秋战国穿越小说 求好看的历史穿越小说 春秋战国时期的类似月关的大争之世就很好看,最好是男主,靠谱点的,真实点,太扯的就不好看了 人类是怎样利用微生物为自己服务的 he was about to tell me the secret_____someone patted him on shoulder A,as B,until C,while D,whenas与when不一样吗?答案貌似是D{貌似} 已知反比例函数y=k/x的图像经过点M(2,-a)和N(2-a,6)求a的值.求这个反比例函数的解析式 粗盐中含有的可溶性杂质主要是哪些物质?从离子角度分析,主要是哪些离子? 中国古代社会天文历法的成就有哪些? 已知直线y=kx+b经过点M(-2,0)并且与反比例函数y=k/x的图像有公共点N(2,0)求出A,B的值并与反比例函数的关系 He followed this hit a few months later with "I Got You ",an even bigger hit.怎么翻译? He was zbout to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder.A as B until C while Dwhen After months of voyage,he arrived in----later proved a new continent.A whereB what选出正确答案并解释,顺便翻译下整个句子. After months of voyage,Columbus arrived in___later proved a new continent.A.where B.which C.what D.that 快乐是别人的,我什么也没有,这句话出自哪里?是谁说的?是海子么?还是朱自清? 除去粗盐中的可溶性杂质还有什么方法,除下图以外 怎么除去粗盐中的可溶性杂质?(七个步骤)求大神! "快乐是装给别人看的另一种痛楚,狂欢是留给自己痛的另一种寂寞."写一个与这句话相近的句子 2-16.Plase tell me what has happened ,when it happened ,how it happened and what has done about ithas done 错了 应该改为 为什么~ 苯甲酸纳是什么 Part V 完形填空复习As she walked round the large shop,Edith realized __1__ difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __2__ for her father.She wished that he were as easy to please __3__ others,who is __4_ satisfied with perfume (香水)._ ——Oh,someone is koncking at the door.___must be Amy.We will go to the club together.是填that 还是It为什么?并补充一下this ,that ,it ,one 的具体用法.跪谢. 萃取所用的仪器 振荡萃取用什么仪器 乙酸是一元酸吗?为什么? 急求班级日记100篇,随便来 字数500 内容生动!写的好会有追加得分的 “乙酸分子中含4个氢原子,它不是一元羧酸”,这句话错在哪里?另外请问:“乙烯与溴水发生加成反应,且1mol C2H4完全加成消耗1mol Br2 ”,这一说法为什么能证明乙烯分子中含有一个碳碳双键? We have four months this t____.补充 This is a_boy.He can't look after himself A,four-years-old.B.four-years-olds,C,four- year-old为什么 Ms Murray has taught in this school ( )she came here A when B after C before Dsince