
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 17:41:38
刚才2014年3月23哪里产生地震了 please write t me and we can be pen friend改病句 改错:Please get a pen to write and some paper to write on请说一下理由 翻译Could you please lend me your pen Please be my pen friend! 英语作文 大学男女生关系 “受到某人的影响,我选择了某种职业”用英语怎么翻译? 英语作文 男女的爱好不同及原因 你是学英语的,为什么不选择翻译之类的工作,而选择秘书呢? 英文翻译:通常情况下,不是我们选择工作而是工作岗位选择我们. 为…而工作 英语翻译 2014年中国地震有哪些? 2009大学英语三级成绩什么时候能查到啊? 2011年6月份的大学英语三级B成绩什么时候可以查询 看哪部片子可以提高英语口语啊?要纯美音的! 同音字组词(要4个一组.至少要20组.)速度快,加分. 任务型阅读How can you think in English?I think the best way is to practise as what a football player does every day.During the practice the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again.So (1)he won't have to think 回答问题How do you think the English library can help students?回答得有特色个性和水平,不要很长,但要明确还有一个问题Why do you want to be a librarian?不过要多写几点,体现服务精神等等 If you think you can you can这句英文是什么意思?If you think you can you can 这句英文是什么意思? How can you think in English?I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day.During the 1 the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again.So he won't have to 2 passing the ball in the game.He w 你认为未来世界机器人能代替人类吗?为什么?这是个小讨论 请注意cd机里面是否还有音乐?这句话用英语翻译 2014年10月7日21点哪里地震了?显示器有1cm的抖动 4月6日晚上10点22分地震,那4月7日晚上还会地震吗?有点担心啊,不知道今晚能不能睡了好觉了. Can you translate Chinese into English?翻译:1.我喜欢劳拉这个名字.我有了自的己英文名越来越国际化了!哈哈!(……………………I have my own English name,and I become more and more intertional!)越来越国际化,是 English:translate into ChineseHe may ascribe to the snake and its victim all the human emotions he pleases. Translate English into Chinese...Unexpectedly, the girl whose name is Zhao Lin has said that she would rather taking her Adidas sports shoes as bowls for meal in order not to discard them. What surprised me more was that yesterday Zhao Lin's younger Please translate English into Chinese...On the way home from the trip Liu Jin's new sports shoe got dirty because Li Ming,who was together with her,got carsick and vomitted on the car so she took off her shoe to catch his vomit when they couldn't fin Translate the Chinese into English.1.During Christmsa,English people always exchange cards for seasonal greetings.2.She took many pictures of me and my family during her stay here.3.I taught them some Chinese songs, and in return they left many gifts 怎么写啊,我英语不好 How do you think we can get more living space?怎样回答 [你怎么认为用]英语翻译是哪句 . 1How do you think 2How do you think of我要问的是 比如 This is good place to live .后面不是live in 的理由是place,when ,where等修饰时,后面不加宾语,那么我这