
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:18:18
帮我算一下这次六级过不过~快速阅读对8个听力问答对12个,听写单词对4个,句子1个短句问答的阅读对1个,两篇大阅读一共对6个完形填空对12个翻译一半一半吧作文大概9分的样子这样能过吗?原 新学期,新起点.我已经准备好了,你呢?用英语怎么说? 已经记不起是第几次考六级了,求这次一定要过啊!上次415分.之前一直在背单词,做真题.现在该怎么准备?听力:选择题13个左右,听写句子一个都没听全;阅读:不稳定,有时做对8成,有时对六成 "站在历史的新起点"用英语怎么说 桂林新起点教育科技有限公司 用英语怎么说 还有几天就要考英语六级了,可我还没准备好…现在应该记单词还是多做题目呢?今年的题型不变吗?后面的题型应该还是完型填空和翻译吧?没有改错和选词填空吧?最后几天了,怎样才能突击一 明天会是一个新起点,点亮未来的光明!英语怎么说 This clock is in Old Town .怎么翻译 This is a clock in English 对a clock提问 This is( )clock.l's( )old clock.This is( )clock.l's( )old clock. there is ()train station in this town,but there is ()in that town.填no.one可以吗?为什么? 实验室有一瓶失去标签的无色溶液它可能是稀盐酸或氯化钠溶液中的一种某兴趣小组设计并进行实验对其探究,请你参与?方案一:取样,用——蘸取样品到PH试纸上 A:What do you usually do at weekends?B:I always _______ ________the painting club.A:What does your mother ______ ______at weekends?B:She usually goes to the supermarket on Saturday.What about your famliy?A:I uaually go Chinese chess with my 当年想购买一个物品需要很多钱时,可以说……A.It cost an arm and a legB.It cost a hand and a footC.It cost a finger and a foot 当你想让你的同伴加快速度时,可以说A.shake a handB.shake a leg C.shake a head 谢 将下列每组单词的字母重新排列,组成一个新的单词(如:oh,me变为home)me,so the,or the,so the,er at,me it,me at,me it,me use,mum son,sea she,in ten,of go,man a,test a,her “这是公园”这句话是用This is Park还是用This is the Park? The park is in the center of this town.in the middle of替换in the center this is the thrid( ) tree in the park.this is the thrid( ) tree in the park. ( big ) here is a park ( ) the town.A.in center of B.of the center of C.in the center of D.at the center This is no walk in the park.啥意思 Yesterday we()go to school.aren't didn’t don’t Didn't Ann go to school yesterday?否定回答.可以确定么? 5篇读书日记包括文章名、好词好句、心得体会 英语:A:( )did you go?B:I went to the zoo.A:( B:I'm fine.Thank you 括号里应填哪个单词 It was because it rained heavily that they didn't come. 求几篇英语作文!1.English around the world 2.Going places3.Unforgettable experiences4.The silver screen5.Good manners6.Cultural relics7.Sports8.Technology亲· 这一篇作文我不好你分··可以的话··给我上面全部的吧···o( 一.给下面的句子改错.1.It hear people singing,laughing and talking.2.So it go there.3.How a big cake!4.Mary is have her 11th birthday party.5.Mary birthday is in June.6.There are some sugar.7.What does this taste?8.The country mouse likes tas I'm going to watch TV.改为一般疑问句 写亲情感怀的诗句? 谁帮写一下一些关于亲情的古诗词 写亲情的诗句 初中英语试题--I can' t decide( ).--You mean the purple sweater or the blue one?A.how to go there B.who to go with C.where to visit D.which to choose