
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 15:57:24
已知关于x的方程x^2-2x+k=0(k为整数)的一个较小的根为x0 且-1<x0<0 求整数k的值 设方程log2(X)++x=5的根为X0,若X0∈(k-1/2,k+1/2),则整数k=________. 方程lgx=4-X 的根X0∈(k,k+1) k∈Z 那K= 已知:关于x的方程 x2-2x+k=0(k为整数)的一个较小的根为x0 且 -1《x0《0求整数k的值 设方程2lnx=7-2x的解为x0,则关于x的不等式x-2 设关于x的方程lnx+2x-6=0的实数解为x0,则x0所在区间为 若lnx-6+2x=0的实数解为x0,则不等式x≤x0的最大整数解为? 若方程lnx-6+2X=0的解为a,则不等式X≤a的最大整数解是? 若方程lnx=6-2x 的解为x0 ,则满足k≤x0 的最大整数k= . I have _____ to tell you.A.anything exciting B.exciting somethingC.exciting anything D.something exciting 1.-____you____your muic lesson today?-Not yet.A.Have;taken B.Are;taking C.Did;take D.Do;have2.-He wasn't here yesterday,was he?-_____He was at a corer of the room.A.No,he wasn't.B.Yes,he was.C.Sorry,I don't know.D.Yes,he is.3.I___my dear grandmother 初二 英语 动词填空 请详细解答,谢谢! (24 18:12:26)Andy's father (                      ) (decide) to buy him a computer if he ge 英语 动词填空 (21 18:5:26)Can you help  me  ___(solve)these  problems 动词填空 10 - 24 英语 动词填空 (28 21:18:34)what (                   ) you (                 初二英语句型转换变成否定句 句型转换都是改成同义句1.Can you tell me where's the Grand Theater?2.The teacher asked Bob to repeat his answer. 初二英语句型转换,1.He could help his mother with housework at the age of 6.(改为同义句)He ____ ___ ____help his mother with housework at the age of 6.2.Fewer people will take the bus.(改为同义句)people will ___ ____ ____ ____.3.Our Bob is busy with the report because the boss wants to read it tomorrow.(保持原句意思)Bob is ______ ______ the report because the boss wants to read it tomorrow. 会句型转换的进1.They walk to school sometimes.《改为同义句》They go to school( )( )at times.2.The East lake has many different kinds of fish(改为同义句)( )( )many different kinds of fish in the east lake3.What"s wro 英语 句型转换 (16 14:43:49)How much does your  schoolbag weight?(改为同义句) 英语 句型转换 (30 16:8:30)We ought to water the young trees every days.(改为同义句) 解决初二英语句型转换1.Does Mr.Brown enjoy living in China?Could you tell us?(改写句子)Could you tell us______ Mr.Brown _______ living in China?2."Does the girl need any help?" he asked me(变为复合句)He asked me ______ the girl ____ 【初二英语】3道句型转换【急!】1.I don't know how to practice speaking English.(改为同义句)I don't know ____ _____ practice speaking English.2.I called my friend Tina yesterday.(改为同义句)I ____ ____ _____ _____ to Tina yester 51 52 英语帮一帮 七年级下册科学作业本51-52答案 新概念英语第二册50.51课后练习 新概念英语第一册的练习册第51.52课答案,速度告诉我哦,好的加悬赏,要完整点!30分钟内回复的加50悬赏,超出时间的回答好的加30,谢谢各位大虾了! 新概念英语2册51课问题有一句话是:My friend,Hugh,has always been fat,but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.请问其中的“has always been fat”能否改成was always fat在句意和语法上有什么区别 新概念英语2第50,51课摘要写作答案 力的作用是相互的小强用力提一桶水,他对水桶施加了一个拉力,同时水桶对小强也施加了一个拉力,则这两个力的作用点和大小相同,方向不同.这是为什么? 有关《力的作用是相互的》在举行拔河比赛时,甲乙两班各拉绳的一端,结果甲端获胜,有的同学认为甲队获胜的原因是因为甲队拉乙队的力大于乙队拉甲队的力.你认为这个观点对吗?谈谈你的