
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 08:28:43
如图 有一根旗杆高4m,在它顶端处系两条长为5m的绳子,拉紧绳子并把绳子的下端固定在地面上与地面上与旗杆底端不共线的两点处,测得这两点和旗杆底端相距都为3m,问能否断定旗杆与地面垂直,为 如图,在三棱锥V-ABC中,VA=VC,AB=BC,求证:) some of it is really difficult to open,do not want to bring disgrace on himself的意思 在正方体ABCD-A1B1C1D1中,已知P、Q、R、S分别为棱A1D1、A1B1、AB、BB1的中点,求证:平面PQS垂直平面B1RC 单词后面加ed 前面为清辅音读 t 浊辅音读d 正常的很好理解asked 后面就是发t如果我单词 excite-excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] 后面发音居然是tid 请问这属于特殊情况吗?还有什么特殊情况的? 忐忑不安,美不胜收,自作自受造句,今天的作业,当天的,求求您们了, 目不忍视的近义词是什么 对句子括号里的短语提问1.I like (the big one).2.This is (my book).3.I stayed there (for three days).4.Tim visits his parents( once a year).5.The dress cost me (100 Yuan). 宣告的近义词,揭露的近义词(多一点) 一到初一英语题:根据句子括号里的短语提问1、The dress cost me (100 Yuan). 自作自受 怎样造句? 自作自受造句 寻一些元音结尾动词就要5个 用声望、自作自受造句 英语(根据括号中的中文写短语)We like our English teacher,because she ______(很有幽默感),in her class we _____(从不觉得无聊. deaths,是不是th就不发音了,直接读 清辅音s了呢?th和s连接读好像碰车了? missed的读音应该是/mist/吧?miss/mis/是以清辅音/s/结尾的,ed读/t/,可是我刚才在大耳朵英语网上,下载了新概念英音和美英两个版本的MP3,里面都把missed读作/misd/!为什么这样读啊?我从小到大都读的 求好心人帮我预测下我4级能过不听力选择错4个,填空题一半分吧,词汇题错3个,阅读类的加起来2个,完型5个,翻译2个,作文70%分一定没问题 听力选择对16-17个,填单词全对,句子可能最多对一个或者全不对,快速阅读5个,仔细阅读对4个,选词填空对7个,完形填空对14个,翻译对2个,作文应该是11分左右, 四级准考证420111091100509一直查不到;好心人帮忙查 好心人看看我四级能过吗 2010.12.18考的这次快速阅读对7个 听力选择12个 词1个 句子1.5 个 选词蒙的 对0个仔细阅读6完型15翻译3作文一般 students can enjoy many activities during these two holidays.(中文意思) 英语改错:Unless the students take jobs during their summer holidays,they can make some money f...英语改错:Unless the students take jobs during their summer holidays,they can make some money for his lives.Unless和his 有错.请问怎么 写出4个与括号部分同类的单词或词组.What‘s the matter with (you)? people enjoy traveling around the world during their holidays12年唐山12中模拟题,可以的话后发翻译 The students exchange cards with ____during the holidays.A.both B.each other's C.ourselves D.one another 朋友能不能给我讲一下下面单词或者短语的意思?括号里面的.1.【I'm going to vote for her.】2【.so does this mean Bill Clinton is free for dating?】3.DEAR WANTS WILL:Perhaps it's time to stop being the "good girl," begin actin 英语 根据句意及首自己提示补全所缺单词.1.Jane is the _f____child in the family.She has three elder brothers and one younger sister It was very kind of you to clean the office, though you___A needn't do B wouldn't have C didn't have to D mustn't have done 选哪个,为什么现那个.谢谢 英语根据句意补全单词my grandpa has long b___________.快的加补充分 The man was set free ____evidenceA.for lack in B.for lack of C.with lack of D.lacking of 请说明理由 为什么B 不用lacking