
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 15:03:44
hasn't your friend arrived yet?how long have you had to wait?i have had to wait for two hours!你朋友到了吗?你等多久了?这里had to不得不不用翻译吧?我已经等了2小时了!是这样翻译么?do we have to walk to the station?我 他们长得一样是they look alike还是look the same? how long have you had to wait?你已经不得不等了多长时间啦?怎么这么别扭,had to 不用可以吗 how long have you had to wait?had 如果是现在完成时,wait为什么不加ed, How long I have to wait 汽车的后风窗加热功能是什么意思 how long will I wait 谁帮起个好听的谐音英文名比如杰伦叫Jay 克群叫kenji 玮柏叫will 这样类似的.我名字后2个字拼音是zheng hao 谁给想个好听的谐音英文名.起的好的我+分.. DONG'T WAIT TO HAVE A LOT,TO SHARE A BIT.BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE.翻译 he look **(happy),now he is looking **(happy)at his drawing I will wait for you,no matter how long it will be! 汽车开着窗户 挂块布.为啥是往外吹的 风应该往里吹呀 里面的压强弱 He looks____today.Now he is looking after his son_______.A.happy,happy B.happily,happilyC.happy,happily D.happily,happy I will wait for you!No matter how long!Can wait! he always look ().Now he`s looking()at his new drawing She is always happy.Now she is looking at his new picture____(happy) Jack looks happy.He always----a smile----his faceA.wears;on B.puts;on C.puts;in D.wears;on 英语短语21~38,60~76 那位能帮助我请以介绍1-2个上海的特色景点用英语作一篇短文40-60个词组,谢谢 好听的网名和中文谐音的英文名.网名只要四字的.我的中文名叫卜晓东 对联:山山水水处处明明秀秀晴晴雨雨时时好好奇奇.加标点成句.1跳字简化读法2叠字拆开重组读法.怎样加 下 雨 天 留 客 天 留 人 不 留 加标点要四个 风停了雨住了是那首歌的歌词 There is something wrong和Something is wrong有什么区别 wrong something与something wrong wrong anything与anything wrong有什么区别?——Is there e ()with your left leg?——Yes,I fell down from my bike yesterday.A.something wrong B.wrong something C.wrong anything Danything wrong anything wrong与something bad有何区别? Every body every body want to love,every body every body want to be love… 是哪个广告啊? every body.l want the answer... I cleaned my room last weekend.改为一般疑问句 车上破窗锤怎么用 9. 小明乘坐汽车去旅游,他把自己在车上的一些感受告诉了小华.他说:我坐在左手靠窗的高 靠背座椅上,,先是感到座椅的靠背对我有压力;然后是车厢壁对我有压力;接着我对座椅的靠 背也有压 wonder what went wrong 谁帮我翻译下.