
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:51:43
What is the counterpart for PP in BW I've been asked to look for business content in BW with regards to PP in R3.I cannot find anything on the online help,cause I don't find the area.I've collected info from cube 0PP_C08,to see the infoarea related,a 中小企业财务管理产生原因 中小企业财务管理的难点在那里? 捷克语啊 ,重谢Praha - Poslanci Miroslav Kalousek,Jan Husák a Ladislav Šustr vystoupili z KDU-ČSL.Oznámili to na dnešním jednání poslaneckého klubu lidovců s tím,že podpoří dočasnou vládu Jana Fischera he __on__until he came to the school gate 里面是填didn't keep running 还是 kept running sell off 证券用语 英语翻译Armstrong showed a great talent (天赋) for music when he was taught to play the cornet (短号) at a boy’s home.In his late teens,Armstrong began to live the life of a musician.He played in parades,clubs,and on the steamboats that tra There's a place in heaven Where we'll go But if you wanna cry啥意思. being assertive means being positive and confident? you got me under your skin 一句英文、求解.Peace was killed by peace.又意味着什么? 求解一句英文有没有人知道这句话怎么翻译啊it is my profound belief that not only do we all need nature ,but we all seek whether we know we are doing so or not .我感觉字面上翻译不对啊这是我深刻的信念,我们不仅 求解一句英语sometimes we meet people like that.bue don't let them get you down! Thanks foy the books of your sisther什么意思? 一到英语排序题.题如下:your,the,for,of,thanks,photo,family (.) go a piece of the way youth mean limitless possibilities是什么意思啊? Could that report be any later deduce 的ing形式急 deduct是什么意思? Thank you for your efforts. 怎么翻译最合适? key metric(s)是什么意思? 英语句子的一些问题1,when my car was stopped by the police i was sure i had broken some traffic rule or other without realizing it.then i heard one of them say i _______the law by not wearing a seat belt.(vilate 的正确形式) 2,why didn' 1.Subtract 8 by 15.2.Add 12 by 5.3.8multiply by 8 is 64 4.10divide by 5 equal 2.改错! 一道高中英语句子,请问啥意思.should it rain ,the crops would be saved. 这两道题怎么写啊 求答案 有过程哦!谢谢 characterized 如何称物体的一部分的重量 天平秤上给出了三种物体的不同组合的不同数量,请确定出各个物体的重量.如图:三角体+正方体+球=23千克 2个正方体+2个球=22千克 2个三角体+球=28千克 英语翻译湿地享有 “地球之肾”和“生命摇篮”之美誉.近年来,随着经济的发展和人类活动的加剧,湿地不同程度的遭受破坏,导致湿地不断萎缩退化,环境功能与生物多样性逐渐衰减,日益突出 empress什么意思 英语翻译请英语达人帮忙翻译这段摘要,“春节中所包含的民俗是所有节日中最多的,广为流传的就有扫尘、贴春联、贴窗花以及倒贴“福”字、年画、守岁、放炮仗、吃年糕、拜年、压岁钱