来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 02:19:27
when he was a student he often __ in the boring class as soon as he bent over the desk he__soonAfals asleep Bfell asleep,felt sleepy Cfell sleepy .felt asleep D felt sleepy ,fell asleep OLIA是什么意思 一颗诚挚的心 作文命题作文 一颗诚挚的心 严格控制在600字左右 哈哈 the hight how hight is 6 feethow many cm equals 1 feet? it is hight time that such a pravtice (were put) to an end 答案为嘛是过去式 英语几加几怎么说还有回答怎么说、不要相信网上的翻译器、它们只会What's your name?、How old are you 、What's your telephone number?、Yes,it is.、No,it isn't.、Yes,I do.、No,I don't.等等这些简单死了的东西 用英文说几角钱怎么说? 26.5元钱用英语怎么说?就是带了几毛的这种, -____- his dream comes ____?-We should say congratulations to him!A.True;truth B.True;truly C.Teuth;true D.Truly;true 作文 我怀有一颗感动的心的结尾怎么写?谢谢大家拉!急用 更无柳絮因风起,唯有葵花向日倾的意思求意思 求《我怀有一颗感动的心》作文的素材记叙文 更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾 我需要一篇作文《我怀有一颗感动的心》 我急着用 谢谢~很急很急很急 更无柳絮因风起,唯有葵花向日开的出处是什么?要出处 更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾.只有这两句吗? “更无柳絮因风起,惟有葵花向日倾”是什么意思? 荆轲继承了孔子的思想,是孔子以后的什么,背后世尊为什么 since the mountain is white,it ----last night.A.must be snowing B.must snowC.must have snowed D.must have been snowed这题的答案是D,为什么了,我选的是A. An old lady accounted the accident to the police,_____last night.A.happened B.happening C.that happened D.which happened应该选D,为什么, 你们有没有这样的经历?明明是自己一直在耐心解答提问,然后忽然提问者就把最佳答案给了一个打酱油的,再然后回过头来继续接着问?倒不是在乎采纳率,关键是这样有点太让人桑心了有木有? 生物和历史开卷做题有没有什么好方法啊 仿写句子:亡了国当了奴隶的人民,只要牢牢记住他们的语言,就好像拿着一把打开监狱大门的钥匙. 遂拔剑以击荆轲的遂什么意思? They are following the star.They are bringing gifts for baby Jesus.如何翻译? 他们以这个科学家的名字命名了这颗星星.翻译They___the star____this____. 如果我们做了DNA,查出的基因不一样,近亲的我们可以结婚吗? how about _we go to the concert after dinner?不是说介词后的宾语从句不用if引导吗?原题1.---how about ____we go to the concert after dinner?---I'd like to ,but I have to help my daughter with her maths.A.when B.if C.whether D.that 解 congratulations与congratulation有什么区别? 初二英语1到5小题,求指教 祝贺你Congratulation 要+s吗