来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 23:22:58
What letter s a vegetable(蔬菜):________. 帮我起一个作文小标题 急用!关于地震的,例如:白色---天使的化身★→填:绿色---( )的化身绿色说的是地震时的空降兵 友情是冬日里的一缕阳光,友情是( )友情是( ) 求范文《友情,我心目中的阳光》要其他的 用风,根据这个意思组词 Don't ever look back是什麽意思? Just The Two Of Us的中文歌词 麻烦那位大虾了整个歌曲的中文翻译 what do you think are the appropriate and inappropriate topics of conversatowhat do you think are the appropriate and inappropriate topics of conversation in our culture?大概有哪些呢 维新变法内容中 对封建顽固派的利益触动最大的是什么?A.撤消绿营,编练陆军B.废除八股C.改革财政D.废除旗人特权 戊戌变法维新派和守旧派论战的主要问题是多项选择A:要不要变法维新,求存自强B:要不要兴民权、开议院、实行君主立宪C:要不要废八股,兴西学D:要不要开办实业,发展农工商 what letter sounds like an insect? what letter sounds like a useful insect We can spend more time doing some outside reading翻译 — Where did you buy — Where did you buy that?— I _____________ it in Chinatown. [ ] B.bought C.buys D.buying Did you buy that hat?肯定句怎么回答? 请举出生活中运用两点之间线段最短的几个例子? buy where you did snakes 连词成句 where did you buy that hat?怎麼讀 后天要去面试,面试是外国人所以要用英语做自我介绍,小弟我英语超烂,内容大概是这样:下午好,我叫xxx,今年24岁,我的学历是大专,主修的是商务专业.我是一个性格开朗的人,开心的过每一天 怎样补充锌,铁,维生素? 缺少维生素D的后果 Where did you_that hat?iwanted to buy one.obtaintakegetgain选出正确答案给出理由并翻译 不缺维生素c补维生素c会有什么后果 Where____you_____that bracelet?(buy) 当把两点之间的所有连线中,线段最短的定理.用于生活中时,应注意什么? To accompany you to the end of the world We embrace the belief Achilles heel . 英语翻译if it has one,studying the atmosphere would give us a good idea if the planet has life or not. 维D钙一粒里 维生素D—2.5ug 这个算多吗? Lucy can sweep the floor.(改为一般疑问句) 作文妈妈对我的爱结尾 明天就要交的 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.1、Oh weekends I often to the movie with myfcrerds.2、Can you in the water 3、My teacher wants a ping-pong bat .4、My parents < not eat > salad for breakfast .5、The shop many clothes .6、 you 一、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空.1、Oh weekends I often to the movie with myfcrerds.2、Can you in the water 3、My teacher wants a ping-pong bat .4、My parents < not eat > salad for breakfast .5、The shop many clothes .6、 you