
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 12:56:36
数学初二下册整数指数幂问题先答先加分【在线】(x-y分之1-x+y分之1)除以x的平方-2xy+y的平方分之2y,其中x=1+根号2,y=1-根号2 解题格式 解;原式=? 来做 今天小明是值日生,他发现小华的凳子上有一个钉子没有钉好,他就准备去学校总物处借锤子,把钉子钉好.请你设想一下小明是怎样向老师借锤子的.注意运用文明用语. 数学初二下册整数指数幂,急 急 这个我实在不会做,还有:(n^2-n-1)^n+2=1,求整数n的值 初二整数指数幂 Please remember to__your student card with you tommorrow.A.bring B.take C.get The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is ________ to them.A.friendly B.gently C.happily D.politely remember to take a pen with you同义句— — — take a pen with you 前妻说Life is so short that you should not waste even one second on someone who does not appreciate and cherish you.她之前又和别人分手了. students in our school 可否改为 in our school's students 在分式x-n/x+2m中,当x=2时,分式的值为0,当x=-2时,分式无意义,求代数式((2m^2)n^-3)^2*(-mn^-1)^-3的值没财富值了··呜呜呜好心人帮个忙··实在不会了 初二负整数指数幂的代入求值的题目怎么解答举几个例题并解答 有没有例题啊,若有就请将解答过程给我看 已知点P到x轴和y轴的距离分别是2和5,则P点的坐标为() 已知P点到x轴的距离是2,到y轴的距离是1,则P点的坐标为 已知点A在Y轴左侧在X轴上方且到每个坐标的距离都是6球点A的坐标 已知A(0,2)、B(6,6),x轴上一点C到A、B的距离之和为最小,求这个最小值的C的坐标 倒装句分析I walked to the office and could hardly breathe and that I coughed and coughed for weeks afterwards.So did many of my friends and family and hundreds of thousands of people in Malaysia.这个句子中So did many of my friends and famil On the laboratory bench was a glass container from which came a tiny soft light.这是两个倒装我就不太明白第二个倒装,a tiny soft ight came from a glass container改成倒装之后为啥米是 from which came我不太明白为什么要 分析一下这句倒装句~Only there at the top can you see all of the nice things,just like in life.这儿为什么用can you 是因为Only吗?不用好象也可以啊 英语倒装句分析!The witness was told that under no circumstances (should he lie to the court)!其中括号里的句子倒桩了,不是讲否定词放在句首时,才倒桩吗?不在句首怎么倒桩了啊? 黄鹤楼的地理位置 Finally,he came to a place_____stood a big tower.A.which B.that C.where我就是不清楚这是怎么倒装的,这种倒装有什么原则吗,注意事项是什么? 关于 花都 巴黎的名的来历.还有景观(有名建筑} 野三坡旅游景点的历史、传说,地理位置、面积、形状、景物特点、给人的感受,布局、远观近观 It's important for us to _____ our environment.(protection) The protection of our environment is not---to be left to the government.Everyone shoud be concernedA.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 选c.something不是用在肯定句的吗? 三军可夺帅也 下一句 三军可夺帅也,下句是什么 三军可夺帅也下句是什么三军可夺帅也,下句是什么? 三军可夺帅也下一句是什么! she () the policeman .a thank b thanks c think d thinks credit什么意思 credit在这里的含义Academic Achievements:Maths Competition (Credit)是“优秀奖”的意思么?还是“算入学分”的意思?这是简历中Education部分中一小部分,其他行也是某竞赛,然后“(credit)”