
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 20:40:20
Dear,you aye my final depend 请把下列几句改为被动语态I saw the boy run yesterday.I think that he is right.He had not thrown the bad food.They would not take him to Beijing.Nobody knew me in this town at that time. it took near-constant complaints from her four daughters before she realized she had a problem.谁能解释一下这句话的语法结构?该怎么翻译?为何这么翻译? Do you love me,do not leave ANSYS 前处理中的定义荷载 与求解器中的有什么不同? 学校原有一个长方形的操场长80米,宽75米,新建校舍后,长减少20米 要使操场的面积和原来一样大,宽应增加多少米? 学校的操场长220米,宽80米,修整后长减少了10米,宽减少了10米,算一下修整后操场的面积?修整后的面积比原来大还是小,还是不变 祖国是什么颜色的 祖国是什么色的 计算 help(1)(-1/2a^2b)(2/3b^2-1/3a+1/4)(2)(3x-1)(x+3)(3)(4x^2-2xy+y^2)(2x+y) 分子数怎么算?help例如:等质量的C02,02,H2,SO2,N2几种气体,所含分子数由多到少的顺序,我知道是H2>N2>O2>CO2>SO2,但为什么呢,怎么算的哈?帮个忙,thanks 英语翻译 help!初3动能计算“飞流直下3千尺,疑是银河落9天”试想,若有5kg的水从3千尺的地方落下来,到达地面时的动能是多少?(1m=3尺) 电子琴用英语怎么说 电子琴手用英语怎么说 电子琴三级用英语怎么说? 湖北省电子琴业余考级十级优秀用英语怎么说?谢谢非常感谢 关于虚拟语气的疑问今天我在学虚拟语气,以与现在事实相反,if i were you,i would go abroad at once.我有疑问,老师明明说主句要用情态动词+动词原形,明明would是will的过去式,为什么老师不说用will的 一些关于虚拟语气的疑问supposing it rained ,we would still go provided circumstances permitted ,i would succeed would that i could only drop everything and join you i had just as soon you didn"t say that 中supposing provided would that had 练习电子琴是很苦的一件事情用英语怎么说过去式 学纵向条形统计图有什么好处? 横向条形统计图的特点和优点是什么? 英语翻译A group of organisms interrelated by the fact that each member of the group feeds upon on the one below it and is in turn eaten by the organism above it in the chain [1],which is called food chain in biology.The relationship between every 汉译英:我打算在以后保持健康的饮食,并且养成每天都煅的好习惯,因为煅炼对我们青少年有好处 What should I do ,Miss Gao?(A)the exam ,you should (B)hard 用正确形式填空A(pass) B(study) see you ( ) ,Miss Gao!空格里加什么? Don't worry.You may_______Miss Gao.横线上填的单词首字母是a今晚7点之前,求求各位大哥大姐·········回答正确的人,小妹爱死他了╭(╯3╰)╮ 有一句歌词是“let's get do it " 谁知道是什么歌啊? 高二英语1到3 Does Miss Gao teach __________(you) scineceYes,________(her) loves ______(our) very much Is this baseball Li Lei's?No.________(its) isn't,________ (he) is over there 有首歌的歌词 i'm in love i'm in love i wanna do it 是什么歌,谁唱的 “i am ghost .kill him!next one is you!