来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 06:28:07
喷香水 英文怎么说 It is said they he has invented a new machine. He ____ _____ _____ _____invented a new machine. He ( )(成功)desiging a new machine last year He ( )(成功)desiging a new machine last year( ) 内填写 success 的 正确形式 求一篇以observation open my eyes为题的英文作文,要三百字以上.实在是懒得写了..大概四级水准就好..复制粘贴凑足也行,但必须是observation open my eyes为主题的英文作文 写一篇英语作文 Chinese Dream in My eyes 四级以上水平.要求 No less than 120 words.Outline:1.我所知道的中国梦是什么?2.为什么提出中国梦?3.作为大学生,要实现中国梦,我应该做些什么, He added some words to explain his idea.为什么不用add面用added 写出两句描写波涛或海浪巨大声势的诗句急用 He____his mind for some words of comfortA.looked B.read C.searched D.went over我选D错了, 描写波涛或海浪巨大声势的诗或词! He seemed to be looking for the words ____ he could express his idea.A.for whichB.with whichC.for that There were some boy crying but he (听见)his words 古希腊神话故事中哪些人给你留下了怎样的印象,你从中获得的启迪 读了这则神话故事,你得到哪些启迪汉董永,千乘人.少偏孤,与父居.肆(sì)力田亩(mǚ),鹿车载自随.父亡,无以葬,乃自卖为奴,以供丧事.主人知其贤,与钱一万,遣之.永行三年丧毕,欲还主人,供其 与我无关是从哪个民间故事中获得启发的 初二英语选择题(__)This patient needs _____operation.operation will be performed by Dr.MaA.an,An B.the,The C.can.The D.the,An father wants to make a ----of the computer program.A.Studied B.study C.Studying D.studied这个是不是选C啊! 英语选择题Don't ask me ______ you can use the computerA what B which C if D that 董永遇仙这篇文言文得到哪些启迪 急! 董永遇仙 的译文概括千乘人…………不知所在用60字左右 求董永遇仙意思 最好还有典故和文章道理 思想感情 等.原文:董永,少偏孤,与父居,肆力田亩,鹿车载自随.父亡,无以葬,乃自卖为奴,以供丧事.主人知其贤于钱一万遣之.永行三年丧毕.欲还主人, 古文翻译 董永遇仙 董永,少偏孤,与父居.语毕,凌空而去,不知所在. all other和all the other有区别吗?比如:all other peopleall the other people两者有区别吗?all other和all the other在别的地方有区别吗? others,any other,all the other和the others的区别 all the other和the other有什么区别?拒绝复制····呵呵 董永遇仙记的翻译 古文《董永与仙女》的启迪 董永的故乡天仙配中,董永的词是说家住丹阳,姓董名永,大家不要以为中国就没有丹阳这个地方,在南京江宁有个镇叫丹阳镇,那里的人们也称七仙女是在那里下凡,有塑像,有七仙女脚印,有的称 what makes you laugh so?这个疑问句是不是省略了一些东西?在语法上不是要助动词-主词-一般动词这样的顺序吗? 英语翻译这是中国外交的重大胜利,也是美国孤立封锁中国政策的失败. 求解everything has taken good care of 英语翻译It’s necessary to build clear personal responsibility and accountability structure with company ownership from the top - up to the each square meter on the shop floor. 英语翻译Second,more and more people go on to pursue their master and doctor degree; more and more Chinese oversea students come back to China to hunt better working chances.It is sure that the competition is more and more fierce.Third,because of