
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:38:27
有个表,是化学元素周期表,有27个字母, 幼稚和耐心的近义词是什么? 英语翻译print one final rough draft to proofhead on paper, 草稿是general draft还是rough draft还有变得更坏为什么是change for the worse (the的问题) 召唤,温柔,着迷,耐心,如同的近义词 有无根水这一说吗?若有,是指什么.眼泪还是雨水. 中九放屋檐下,会被雨水淋坏吗?刚安装的,好像是40厘米的锅,担心下雨时屋顶的雨水会不会把它浇坏?还有,信号强度89%,信号质量左旋的频道85%,右旋的频道73%,怎么也弄不到100%,咋回事?而且 他们蜷缩在屋檐下,小小的单衣早已被雨水溅湿,只有紧搂在怀里的小书包还没沾上一滴 读了这句话,你的心情怎他们蜷缩在屋檐下,小小的单衣早已被雨水溅湿,只有紧搂在怀里的小书包还没沾 求realflow制作屋檐下的流淌雨水的效果思路?就是下大雨的时候,屋檐上会流淌屋顶的积水. I can see people windsurfing ___ the sea ___填什么,理由 i can see people who are windsurfing on the sea这句话对不对 一,二,三次工业革命的时代特征,对中国的影响以及中国错过的原因 19.If he ______ here,that would be very good.A.is B.were C.was D.has有知道答案的麻烦回答一下 If he ___ here ,that's very good .A.is B.was C.were .这句虚拟语气,主句应该怎么解释呢. if he were here ,that's very good 这句话是虚拟语气,可主句为什么不用would +动词原形呢 The song "California girls " is very popular among the students(改为感叹句) 请问belong to sb前能不能加助动词?为什么?或者情态动词呢?对不起,打错了,是be动词 以这个I just put hands in the air and we just like don't care开头的,女生唱的,就是这个的第三个歌曲 叫什么名字 1.He is ______ a writer.A.failure as B.a failure as C.the failure for D.a failure with 并说明原因(理由).1、English is different ____ Chinese.A.from B.with C.to2、There is a name (1)____ each Chinese year.We may call it the year of the (2)____.(1)A.in B.on C.for(2)A.fish B.horse C.cat 名词变形容词、副词,举例 open tray 1 and rear 日不落地国是哪个国家 称自己为日不落的是那个国家 “日不落”是指哪个国家? any idea what the sentence means ,what 后面不加IS 为什么 英语 The sentence "Konnichiwa" means "Hello" in Japanese. 是什么意思阿 英语翻译我选择了的路.英文怎么写. 英语翻译A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer.If this screen appears again,follow these steps:Check to be s 英语翻译you have entered incorract password 英语翻译the Security Council's talks on kosovo's status.这里 status 该怎么翻译,关于这句话有什么新闻背景? 英语翻译Confounded Experiments in AdvertisingA major value of a tightly controlled experiment is that the results are unambiguous:You can be confident that the independent variable led to changes in the dependent variable.Your conclusion about th