
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 02:03:39
历史 古文解释 天子之所是未必是,“天子之所非未必非,天子亦虽不敢自为是而公其是非于学校”是指什么意十万火急!请求高人指点! 英语翻译 这个男的这样子是什么意思?我是女生.一个男生本来要这个月从国外来看我的,我本来答应陪他一起玩的,可是后来我和他说这个月我要出差没时间.他说他很郁闷,还说我又欠他一个拥抱.然后我 如图,在长方形ABCD中,AD=6,AB=10,在AD上取一点E,将三角形EDC沿EC折叠,使点D恰好落在AB边上的点D`处 英语翻译Gregory Clark教授写的,重谢 英语翻译Another fundamental break with the old forms of social assistance relates to the way in which new forms of social assistance incorporate and operationalise an understanding of the multidimensional nature of poverty,and particularly extrem 把一张正方形纸剪成边长5厘米的小正方形,比剪成边长为六厘米的小正方形多99个,两种剪法都没有剩下一点纸片,求原来这张正方形纸的面积 把一张正方形的纸剪成边长为5厘米的小正方形,比剪成边长为6厘米的小正方形多99个,两把一张正方形的纸剪成边长为5厘米的小正方形,比剪成边长为6厘米的小正方形多99个,两种剪法都没有 gift receipt什么意思 1.Perhaps most interesting,and most easily measured,is a chemical change in ground water before a quake.2.It is also important to have something that can clean water and kill bacteria,so water from other sources can be made safe to drink.3.A sensible 1怎样的词叫特指名词和泛指名词,?2a怎样判断用在泛指名词,the用在特指名词?/ 英语翻译这是今天的作业,最好1小时之内.我的名字叫***,我14岁.我住在祥塬.我的爱好跑步,我认为它对我的健康很好.我对网球很有兴趣,因为我喜欢日本的一部动画片《网球王子》.我喜欢星星 找规律,给详解,给出下一项 (all)goods receipt + open invoices overvieuw?Hi,We are searhing for an overvieuw where we can see open invoices for goods that are already received.Via me2n we can't see the requested info.We see currently also the open invoices wherefrom we haven't 谁告诉我下面这段话中文怎么写?我等了六年,希望有一天能回到我梦寐以求的重庆,如今我回来了终于回到了这个陌生又熟悉的地方,回来这几个月让我感觉一切都变了,变的是那么的陌生陌生 现在我们要小学6年纪毕业了 老师要我们给三科老师每人写一段话 英语老师我想要写英文的 下面附中文意思27号前要 8,0,9,2这几个数字有几种组合把各种组合打出来 英语翻译1 我要回家了2 我已经回家了3 我在家里啦4 我想要回家啊 把下列英文翻译成汉语(4句话)1.you are not required to commit youself until you know what the invitation is for.2.once he starts a job he won't shop until it's finished.3.the invitation turns out to be something you'd hate to do.4.it tu 英语翻译1.To be the most valued and innovative leader in the seleced fields we serve.2.To be the first choice of our partners.3.To empower,enrich,encourage to accmplish with fun.4.To be Green Corporate Citizen.不要字面翻译,请意译.好者 英语翻译Coatings are usually calculated on a dry parts basis and based on 100 parts dry pigmentThe total parts of coating chemicals must be > 100pts due to pigment parts are 100pt.A recipe gives the dry amounts of various components of coating co 岳飞分赐沉香 翻译 岳飞分赐沉香读后感T T 高三英语复习计划该怎么制定?都高三二轮复习了,我的英语复习还是一团糟,现在真是超级担心英语,希望有经验的同学能给我一些关于高三英语复习计划的建议,帮我提高英语复习的效率, 为什么有些现在完成时的句子have后面还跟had?不是应该直接接过去分词的吗? 牍字怎么读 “牍”念什么? Get back in one piece!rt不可能是……海贼王 get in与get back的区别.It's going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me___the clothes on the line?A,get off B,get back C,get in D, get on ups 中back up 和line in分别表示什么? "牍"这个字怎样读? 写4句话~write four sentences using the simple past continuous(was/were+verb-ing)to talk about sports