
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 13:05:24
read hurriedly it's on You put books on it There are twenty-two[ ] players in a match.括号里填一个单词,符合句意. 5个后元音是什么?快点帮帮我吧~~~~!求求类~~~!忽忽!~~ 我叫熊欢,中文名取谐音英文名 我叫吴坤南,想取个英文名,要与中文名谐音的人, 英语有那几个元音? 交际英语中的练习题1. — ____________________— Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A.How long have your parents been in Paris?B.When did your parents arrive at Paris? C.Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?D.Wh 英语里的元音有那几个? color-fast是什么意思 短元音有哪几个如题 翻译At a village fair, I decided to visit a fortune teller called Madam Bellinsky. I went into her tent and she told me to sit down. After I had given her some money,she looked into a crystal ball and said : ‘A relation of yours is coming to see I decided to visit a fortune-teller called Madam Bellinsky.这句话中哪是主语那是谓语什么的,麻烦分析一下 什么叫元音 甚么叫元音 双元音为什么叫双元音各位帅哥美女,快点啊,我等着要做作业呢! 什么叫"根元音"? 选择介词完成句子介词:below by including into towards1.your little dog is running _____ you2.who was the umbrella invented___?3.i saw the accdient.a car knocked ____ a truck4.i've gor three day's holiday____ new year's day5.the remperature 我想请问一下,如果商业企业是在国内购买小汽车自用是否要缴纳增值税,为什么?书上只说购买货物自用的话不算视同销售,所有不算增值税,如果是固定资产那会怎么处理呢?还有一个问题,就是 there is no clouds 还是 there are no clouds是正确的说法我也这么认为的,但是好像也有用there is 纠结... 用beside造句我搞不懂be是指am,is,are还是指单纯的两个字母. beside怎么造句 fly kites的ing形式 [词汇拓展] envy的名词,形容词 什么样的句子要在后面加介词?我们学过一个句子是这样的:Many animals have no places to live in.为什么要加in?还有Please give me a pen to write with.为什么加with?什么样的句子加介词呢? 什么情况下英语句子最后加介词例如make friend with句型 which people do you make ( 中间用不用with,这种题一般怎么区分 德语静三动四 要是动词后面就是一个宾语还是人用不用三格啊因为最近学到静三动四 一直练这个后来后来写句子Der Vater hat seinem Kind in die Schule gebracht,发现好像怪怪的 是不是只有双宾语才会 Can make it more better U r really photogenic 的中文意思 厦大自主招生 听力有听力吗? 钱老师在一次数学竞赛中出了两道题,规定做对得2分,没做或做错得0分.参加的学生共52名,至少有几名学生成绩相同? 我是商丘一中学数学教师,个人对数学竞赛有着浓厚的兴趣和一些经验,想知道河南省及全国数学竞赛报名方法.求教哪些数学竞赛含金量更高些,初一的数学竞赛如何报名,什么时候报名等信息.