
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:09:47
枣庄的多年平均气温是多少? 请问两道高二英语选择题----------------------------------------------原题-------------------------------------------------------1.Almost everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. It is ________ others are weak that maybe you have a g Do you know the fact ____ Doris has been trying to hide in her pursuit of success?A.which B.what C.when D.whyThe other day,my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed.A.as B.which C.what D.that 一道选择题请说明理由Mum’s promised me that she ______ me a present for my 14th birthday.A has given B had given C will give D would give正确答案是C,D为什么不对 He sent me an e-mail,___to get futher information.A hoped B hoping C to hope D hopeEuropean football is played in 80ths,____it the most popular sport inthe world.A making B makes C made D to make 请说明理由f(x)是定义在(0,+∞)上的非负可导函数,且满足xf'(x)-f(x)≤0,对任意正数a,b,若a Where are you,Jimmy,Sorry,I_____if I could find a better way to solve the problem.A.am wondering B.have wonderedC.wonder D.was wonderingTom left Shanghai for London on May 5,since_______I have never called him up.A.when B.thenC.which D.it1.为什么A 1 --Come in Peter,I want to show you something.--Oh,how nice of you!I____you _____to bring me a gift.A never think,are goingB never thought,were goingC didn't thing,were goingD hadn't thought,were going.2______it is to act out the comedy written by o 动物的本领除了长颈鹿因为有长头颈,大象有长鼻子,还有哪个动物长的很特别,是有为了使自己吃饱肚子的本领?能列举下有哪些动物吗?谢谢。 曲线y=x+e的x次方在点(0,1)处的切线斜率k= 一棵花椰菜用英语怎么说?花椰菜不可数 动物独特的本领youshenmebengling 各种动物的特殊本领一、说说下面动物的特殊本领,并记录下来.(写少一点的)乌龟:蜻蜓:蝙蝠:袋鼠:蛇: 有哪些动物有自己独特的本领一道科学题 动物界那些动物有特殊的本领? ( )beautiful that lake is 括号里用what还是how 没原因英语怎么说 请问初中英语的“用括号内单词的正确形式填空”这种题型如何做? 我想、总可以释怀用英语怎么说诶、?用英语说诶、怎么说、? 请问初中英语的“用括号内单词的正确形式填空”这种题型有何规律技巧/方法?我在这一块里失分率很高,(注:不必长篇大论!)谢啦 我就是喜欢你 英语怎么说要正确~ 我曾经去过非洲和诶及 用英语怎么说, 诶米正在放风筝用英语怎么说 英语,快的给采纳. SAT语法IE题,1.Flints found in the rgion extending from the Nile Valley to the highlands of eastern Iraq (attests to) the presence of people there as long ago as one hundred thousand years.2.(In a world that) the rate of technologival and social ch 用英语写, 用英语怎样写, It is he who can speak French ,English,and Japanese,___________?A.doesn't heB.can't heC.can't itD.isn't it i know nothing about the young man___except that he is from America.A,to defeatB,defeatingC,defeatedD,be defeated说明理由, ——such heavy pollution already,it may now be too late to clean up the river.A:Having sufferer B:Suffered from C:To suffer D:suffer fromA的应该是suffered 帮我做一道高二英语选择题why not get some work experience first ---go straight on to university?a or rather b other thanc more than 请会的亲们再教教我是什么意思?为什么选那个选项`~d rather than-----是 ________the cry for help,peoplenearby immediately rushed to the swimming poor.A.To hear B.Hearing C.Having heared D.They hearing