
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 17:55:35
where had it come from假如是过去完成时态的话,不应该是where had it came from 谁有写壮志豪情的诗句呀? 电流热效应的实验原理是什么如题 求一篇英语圣诞话题讨论!3人对话要稍长点的,虽然不是我想要是,分还是给你吧~ 请辨析一句话是否有语病环境保护部发布7月份空气质量状况:与6月份相比,达标天数有所增加,重度污染和严重污染天数比例分别减少.我的疑问是,用不用在“严重污染天数”后面加“的” 英语翻译Real answer hidden in the top position of starry sky,you can get it only by dusk to night in winter 英文对话 买电脑 三人 Do your classmates all live near the school?No,( ) live quite far from the school.A.any student B.a few students C.none of the students D.all the students急,将理由 好的英文名,a开头 pearl是什么意思 east什么意思 pearl什么意思 east是什么意思 It is known___"the Pearl of the east",and many people go there 请帮忙想一个优雅,有内涵,大方的网名,呵呵,谢拉呵呵 帮同学悬赏的 是女孩 起名的时候考虑啊 有点诗意!如果她满意了 我加到50分 或 100分 east中文意思? east-Gobi是什么意思 与“目似暝,意暇甚”相照应的一句是什么? a recent national study of the public schools showsA recent national study of the public schools shows that there is now one microcomputer for every thirty-two pupils,four times as many as there (were) four years ago请问这里there后为什么 A recent study shows that about 50% of the school kids in Beijing do not have breakfast .As a result (结果 ),they feel aleepy all and have bad memories ( 记忆 ) ,so it hard for them to get high marks in all kinds of exams .Some studnets study dee 关与描写春天的好词好句!这是作业,急救!救救我~~~~~~~~~~~ 怎么写教弟弟做作业(作文)!大哥们,谁能救救我啊!明天就要交啦!但不能抄,最好是300字! “T”开头的英文名字有哪些(女的)拜托各位大神 适合女生的以Min开头的好听的英文名谢谢了,适合女孩子的 要配上意思哦~ k-boxing这个英语用汉语怎么读 根据 huang he cheng取个谐音的英文名,he开头,像陈奕迅eason那样的 "骨已尽矣,而两狼之并驱如故"及"目似瞑,意暇甚"这两个句子表现了狼的什麼特点?(分开回答) 与‘目似瞑,意暇甚’相照应的一句 “五人行”如何翻译 目似瞑 意暇甚表现了狼什么特点 I would like to visit Tibet with my ant during my holidays.(对my ant提问)_ _ you like to visit Tiber _ during your holidays? 度假是spend holiday还是spend holidays