
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:08:54
过去将来完成进行时的被动语态谁能举个例子 被动语态有现在完成进行时吗,如果有,一般形式是什么 Christmas christmas Eve要 发音! christmas eve前面要不要加the 英语翻译是一张图纸上的,我看绘图公司是德国的trützschler特吕茨勒公司,所以目测上面的文字也都是德语,求各位懂德语的大神们帮忙翻译下,我用翻译工具翻出来的就感觉是词义的拼凑,语句 英语翻译1,kantenabtrag2,Hauptstanzrichtung5,Stanzrichtung entgegen der Hauptstanzrichtung6,draufsicht7,R/L Kennzeichnung Hoe(O 带两点)he 4mm,0.3 vertieft10,Hilfsansicht11,Schnitt A-A12,FUNKTIONSMASS MIT SPC-BEWERTUNG13,FUNKTIONSMASS OHNE SPC 北京人过着怎么样的生活? dining-cars的中文意思 求国语版《汽车总动员》给小朋友看,所以想要国语版的.有的请给出下载地址,电驴里搜过,没找到感谢“原声发电站”提供的种子,可是那个文件太大了,3.71G,我硬盘里没有这么大可用空间.有没 六级什么时候开始听力啊呵呵 英语六级听力是在下午几点开始的? 六级改革后放听力录音是多长时间,有时间涂答题卡吗?卷面写的是30min,比以前缩短了5min,写完就收答题卡1大家一般是写一题涂一题还是做完一起涂?感觉看题目时间不够呀听力时间怎么分配比 my father usually reads the___(day)newspaper in the morning.空格中应该填什么? My father usually goes work early ____ the morning.A.in B.at C.on D.of 经济学中,名词“倒债”用英语怎么说 I usually take a bath before going to bed.同义句I usually take a bath before()()to bed he usually has a shower () he goes to bed a.before b.after c.when parents somrtimes help them to find o_intreesting to do首字母填空 I usually take a bath before going to bed.的同义句I usually take a bath before _____ _____ to bed. 翻译with over three quarters saying they wished their parents read to them moer often Parents often find it diffcult to win their children一撇s trust改为同义句!开头是It is 长征红军跳出敌人的包围圈是在A.四渡赤水河后B.渡过金沙江后C.强渡大渡河后D.翻过大雪山后为什么是B?如果是B的话,那么后来强渡大渡河不也是有敌人在前方吗?还有一个问题,强渡大渡河 飞 长征途中,红军跳出敌人的保围圈是在( ) A.通过四道封锁线 B.渡过金沙江 C.强渡大渡河 D.四渡赤水 高中英语阅读理解有什么技巧啊.现在看都看不懂了... jim(get)up at six in the morning my sister and i usually(run)in the park in the evengingwe(eat)breakfast at home very day he usually(take)a shower after getting up what time ( )she(go)to school 为什么要这样填 My father always ()(醒来)up at six in the morning. 1、speak your can I to father please2、Chen Jie sever gets at o'clock morning up usually the in3、should you put soil into seeds the first the 4、 becomes sun the shines water vapour and the 连词成句,可以的话我这有一条音标[sumtaimz i usually get up 7 o'clock in the morninga atb inc on 151.—Thanks a lot!________ your help,I can’t do it so well.— With pleasure.A.With B.Without C.Under D.As152.— When shall we go to the park,this morning g or this afternoon?— _______ is OK,I’m free the whole day.A.Either B.Neither C.None D 我是一个高中生,英语听力完全听不懂,现在该怎么办? 张国荣的英文名怎么写