
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:55:36
打着公鸡生蛋—( ) 打渔人回家—( ) 大炮打狼群—( ) 大象逮老鼠—( ) 歇后语填空 英语翻译大学英语、汉语写作、计算机应用基础、逻辑学民法(民事责任、人身权法)、物权法、债权法、商法、知识产权法、经济法、刑法、社会学、国际法、房地产法普通心理学、企业 用省略号 破折号写一篇作文一件有趣的事.要求:200字,正确地使用标点符号! She has been sitting there for more than 2 hours.去掉for可以吗,为什么, 带省略号的成功作文结尾 she has been sleeping for more than ten hours有错吗? jane's uncle has been in army for more than eight years还是说应该用had been 还是has joined 还是had jioned 求各国国花 各国国花是什么啊是要英文一定要是英语,我不要中文 作文:在叛逆中成长600字 我中文名字叫LI HAO LIN ,我想取一个英文名,我将它改为LEE HO LUM不知到对不对, 越长大越叛逆的作文 作文《叛逆的记录》,要求600字作文,记叙文,13岁写的,那种很老套的就别拿上来了,半小时内! 504 gateway time-out什么意思 Stop trying to find a rewind. It's life, not a movie. 这句话什么意思? Stop trying to find a rewind.It's life. Stop Trying to Please People 翻译梵音 I could stop trying to make her into someone she was 就是这篇文章倒数第3段最后一句I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as Mother sat doing letters .Standing by her chair ,looking at the ink 连词成句 1.between,and,river,there,is,a,school,the,village2.runs,for,boats,quickly,the,river3.have,come,true,to,their,dream,a bridge,can4.to,school,afraid,the boy,isn't,on the ropeway,cross the river ,to 5.difficult,for,it‘s,get to school,to,ma 张雨薇这个名字有什么含义?雨是什么意义?薇呢?叫这个名字得人取什么英文名hao?HH(90后) 英语、、、、、、、、、、、要汉语! 能写的写 不能写的用——空着 我自己填【比如名字和年龄】 I found to my surprise that the man was mad.翻译下 翻译to my surprise, I only found that instead of typing RUN翻译成中文to my surprise, I only found that instead of typing RUN ,she had typed in the following :Are You In To his surprise,he found that the man _____(move)out of the hotel,back to his park bench.用所给动词的适当形式填空答案是 had moved 问问这是为啥? To his surprise,he found that the man had moved out of the hotel,back to his park bench. 上半句Can you help me( )a model?下半句I'm sorry I can't...上半句Can you help me( )a model?下半句I'm sorry I can't,but I can help you( )your homework.A.make...withB.to make...forC.making...withD.making...for 英语选择题求解析 —Can you understand me? —Sorry, I c英语选择题求解析 —Can you understand me? —Sorry, I can _____________ hear you clearly. A. almost B. ever C. hardly see over can't the you sign thee可以写什么英语句子 关于朋友背叛的文章我身边发生的事情,A\B两个女孩是很好的朋友,一天,两人一起认识了一个男人,开始那男人喜欢A,表现的还很明显,B还一直撮合他们,大家一起玩,可没多久,那男的说喜欢B,B对A 妈妈,我为什么会叛逆作文 fifty percent of the money_a.have been cost b.have been spentc.has beenspentd.has spent Fifty percent of the students are boys.这句话对不?