
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 17:04:26
The box was full of books.(改为同义句)The box ( )( )( )books.还有几个改错的1.I like English better than my brother likes.2.I will be uesd to live in the souh.3.He was warmly welcome by his friends .4.I received a letter writing in gre The box was full of books.改为同义句 若f(x)={(x-1)² x≥0 x+1 x<0 则f(x)的单调增区间是( ),单调减区间是( ) 改错:The box is filled of books.哪错了呢?为什么? There _____ (is/are )a box of rubbers near the books.为什么? (x²+x+1)^x.求单调减区间(x²+x+1)e^x.求单调减区间 热化学方程式的比较C(g)+O2(g)=CO2(g) △H1 C(g)+1/2O2(g)=CO(g) △H2这两条化学反应的△H的大小比较是?该怎么比呢? 特别的天使数字310是什么意思? 小学3年级数学思维练习题目:鸡和鸭共180只,鸡的数量比鸭的数量的3倍少20,请问鸡和鸭各多少只?3年级题 春节到了,爸爸买了2只鸡,1只鸭共付33元,如果买2只鸡,3只鸭要付51元.问一只鸡和一只鸭各多少钱?我想半天都做不出来这道奥数题?挺难啊, 求列式计算,饲养场养的鸡比鸭少480只,鸭比鸡多 四分之一,问饲养场的鸡和鸭共多少只求列式 When the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped gossiping to offWhen the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped gossiping to offer help。 629-4y+4=XX=?y=?实际上是问 养了鸡和鸭共629只,鸡的只数是鸭的4倍多4只,鸡和鸭各多少只 “I was driving carefully when my car hit the tree.” He told the police.请将句子改为间接引语!(He told the police that )He told the police that he had been driving carefully when his car hit the tree.为什么不是这个呢? when the man saw the car accident on the highway,he stopped______offer help It is in 2006____we he was driving the car on the highway A that B.when When the man saw the car acciedent on the highway he stopped in order to offer help翻译成中文 编写一个C#控制台应用程序,根据半径,计算圆的周长和面积.半径r,周长circle,面积area,π为3.14 求步骤 设Z服从标准正态分布,P(0小于等于Z小于等于1.27)= 标准正态分布中的一个值请问Φ(3)是多少啊...俺的数学书忘带了...= = 随机变量ξ服从标准正态分布N(0,1),已知φ(-1.96)= 0.025,则P(|ξ|>1.96)等于?求过程!谢谢! 函数y=√x-1的定义域为 一道数学题、已知函数f(x)=x^2-kx-8在[5,20]上具有单调性,求实数k的取值范围. the book is nowhere to find.还是the book is nowhere to be found 英语nowhere to be foundno matter how hard i search my bag ,my new pen was _____________A.nowhere to find it B.nowhere to be found C.to be found nowhere D.to be found anywhere请问:B C D三个选项之间的区别~ 函数f(x)=x-a 乘以根号x,此函数在【1,4】上单调递减,求实数a的最小值我最开始想的是令成2次函数,令t=根号x,t大于等于0,求对称轴,就是对称轴在4右边就行了,但解出来比答案大了2倍,答案是用 1、When I got there , I found the bookshop _____——the shop owner was nowhere to be found.A pulled down B have been pulled down为什么不用B 没有find sb do吗?2、In the days _____, he was still in low spirit,and it seemed hard for him 函数y=根号下2X 2-6X+5的定义域是 The new book is nowhere to be found.这个句子的结构如何分析? 函数y=根号6x-x方-9的定义域 已知函数f(x)=ln(x+m),g(x)=e^x-1,F(x)=g(x)-f(x)在x=0处取得极值.(1)求F(x)的最小值(2)对于任意的x1>x2>0,比较f(x2)-f(1)与g(x2-x1)的大小,并说明理由 函数的定义域:y=根号27+6x-x^2