
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 08:55:08
中华文化的基本特征是什么 高中政治教材人教版本3 文化生活的提问 解方程40%x十0、3二4、5 1.温家宝说:当今世界,有200多个国家和地区,2500多个民族,6000多种语言.正是这些不同民族、不同肤色、不同历史文化背景的人们,共同创造了丰富多彩的世界,就如同有了七音八调的差异,才能 一道关于独立主格的英语练习题More time _________,we should have done the job much better.A.to give\x05 B.give\x05 C.being given\x05 D.givenD 为什么不能选C 有例句为证:The question being settled,we went home.我们就回家了 英语,独立主格的一道题with a lot of different problems _______,the manager felt worried all the time.a to be settled b to settle两个答案在不同练习册上均作为正确答案出现过,究竟是为什么? x:40%=7分之2(解方程) 一道关于独立主格的英语题15.______,we will surely succeed.A.The teacher helping us B.The teacher to help us C.The teacher will help us D.With the teacher helping 说出具体理由. 文化生活的相关知识回答此题生态文明建设呼唤富于时代精神的消费理念近代以来,西方社会有人推崇消费主义,强调消费可推动经济增长,鼓励人们无节制消费,把消费和占有更多物质财富作为 一个江洋大盗正在悄悄光顾中国.它被称为“世界上的头号窃贼”,一出现就不声不响地从所有人手中窃取财富.不过这个大盗却也是世界上最慷慨的施舍者,“它对债务人、不动产所有者的赠予 高一 数学 数学 函数 请详细解答,谢谢! (11 12:49:32)  已知奇函数f(x)的定义域为(负无穷大,0)∪(0,正无穷大),且f(x)在(0,正无穷大)上是增函数,f(1)=0.(1)求证:函数f(x)在(负无穷大,0 请解答几个关于高中政治文化生活的问题文化是一种潜在的精神生活文化可以脱离经济而存在没有文化活动就没有经济活动一定的政治决定一定的文化一定的经济决定一定的政治优秀文化是 初二 数学 还是函数!快啊! 请详细解答,谢谢! (19 18:49:8)1、直线y=-1.5x+3与x轴、y轴所围成的三角形的面积为(   )2、已知一次函数y=2x+m与y=3x+2m两图像交点的横坐标为1,则m=(   有关英语独立主格的问题The question being settled,we wound up the meeting.The question settled,we wound up the meeting.以上两句话那句话对? 关于英语独立主格的疑问He slipped away, nobody knew when. (正确的句子)如果以独立主格去考虑 不应该是He slipping away, nobody knew when.吗 求解答 我国航天事业的奠基人钱学森的品质值得我们学习.概括起来就是“争”和“让”:“争”的是国家和民族的荣誉和地位;“让”的是个人的名誉、地位和金钱.在钱学森的身上体现着①中华 关于独立主格The teacher came into the office,_in hand.A.a book wasB.and a book C.a book D.book为什么? 英语 对划线部分提问 的窍门 已知函数f(x)=4x²-kx-8在[5,20]上具有单调性,求实数k的取值范围 对划线部分提问While I was going to school,my sister cried.(对划线部分提问)____ ____划线部分为While I was going to school 教我几道英语题,对划线部分提问的.John lives with his parents in new york .________ Tom comes to school by bike in the school._____On April 12th,1961,Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space._______________ 英语 划线提问的题1.I love sitcoms very much.(对划线部分提问,very much划线)( ) do you ( ) sitcoms? 已知两方程x^2-mx+m+5=0和x^2-(7m+1)x+13m+7=0至少有一个相同的实数根,求m的值.好的我给分~已知两方程x^2-mx+m+5=0和x^2-(7m+1)x+13m+7=0至少有一个相同的实数根,求m的值在线等,谢谢~好的我给分~ 已知两方程x2-mx+m+5=0和x2-(7m+1)x+13m+7=0至少有1个相同的实数根,求m的值 已知两方程x²-mx+m+5=0和x²-(7m+1)x+13m+7=0至少有一个相同的实数根,求m的值 已知两方程x²mx+5+m=o和x²-(7m+1)x+13m+7=o至少有一个相同的实数根,求这两个方程的四个实数根的乘积. 英语翻译1.These reports raise the question of whether certain nationalitiesare naturally more courteous than others2.this may have more to do with the place than the people3.with little to offer in the way of smiles and welcome4.prehaps it should 英语翻译The same goes for “crash diet”that some companies say will make us lose weight fast. 英语翻译在干燥的冬季,不要忘了在洗脸后涂乳霜apply 用了许多种药后,她终于找到了治疗胃痛的良药remedy 为保持健康,你必须要有均衡膳食.此外,经常锻炼身体也是很重要的in addition 要用到给 People often _36_ the weather they want.When a farmer needs water,he looks for something to tell him."it's going to rain."He won 't believe anything else.When friends have a picnic,they are _37_ the weather is going to clear up very quick 1.I hate __basketball with that kind of man .A.playing B.play C.played D.to play2.I don't like reading the book because it 's____.A.boring B.bored3.There's __ meat at home.Would you please go and buy___?A.some ,a little B.a little ,any C.little,some 1 Tom with other boys____to go and____the game.A want watch B wants watches C wants watch D want,to watch2 It was___bad weather that the pilot could__fly in the sky.A such,hardly B such as,/ C such a,hard D so,be hard3 I will tell him as soon as he _ 解方程:X :14分之5=21 :8分之5