
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 02:18:18
翻译:The survivors of the earthquake were the ones who stayed in the village until the earthquake had finished (不哟用翻译软件,我用过翻译软件了,就是觉得软解翻译的结果靠不住才上网提问的)(外研社 必修3 the death of many treesThe air pollution in this area caused the ---------(死亡)of many trees为什么不用deaths many of what comes up are merly old fears of death 记者提问的问题,有关体育,科技,历史,地理文学,影视,音乐,生活常识,风俗习惯的,每种10题 辩题 逆境更有利于人的成长提问辩题,逆境更有利于人的成长该怎么向辩方提问,有什么问题可以令对方毙命?我方观点是逆境更有利于人的成长,辩方是顺境更有利于人的成长! Be quick.Let's hide _______the tree.A bear is coming. A.over B.near C.up D.behind icant be held captive 翻译? Soul.partne什么意思啊`Was always finishing,remembered the start还这一句,也帮我解决了啊, it was ______ he was injured that he failed in the competition. a because b as c since d for选哪个啊?能告诉原因吗,我只知道这是个强调句 情态动词没有时态,那么这句话的must是表达情态动词么?It must have rained yesterday.这句话中must是否是情态动词?如果是,那后面have rained不是现在完成时么?这算用了时态了吧?如果must不是情态动词 “xie mu”二字怎么写?是表示心情的xie mu 什么情况下动词的过去时态可以表示被动?被动语态不是BE动词+动词过去式吗?为什么有的时候要用be+过去式,而有的就直接用动词过去式表示被动语态呢?1)I need one more stamp befot my collection______.A the trip to Australia the trip of Australia这两种表达那一种对? 杰克迫不及待地想去澳大利亚旅行.Jack ___ ___ ___his trip to Australis. a new toy .put on .hide-and-seek .behind the door.coayon toy.let is have a race.每一句英语的汉语是什么意思 Giad to meet you怎么翻译呀? 找一首英文D曲里面有 《《 我扣我扣耶 》》》 后面那是 多维多维 黑 多维多维 为什么人会迷路呢 如果你迷路了, 还有没几个月考四级了,大方法肯定是不行了 it happened(chanceed) that he was out 中的that可以省略吗? 关于抽象函数和赋值法的问题请大家解释一下抽象函数、赋值法(我才高一,别讲太深奥的说……)例如:满足f(ab)=f(a)+f(b)的抽象函数y(x),要求f(1)的值,只要令a=b=1,可得f(1*1)=f(1)+f(1),为什么可 介绍一下抽象函数的赋值法 解抽象函数一般怎样赋值 抽象函数基本运算法则及基本解决方式举例说明 Kids in different places gave their water and money “六人行”中的一句对白一季一集中,那个wine guy,Paul对Monica说 steer clear of you,下面是翻译成机智脱身,但是联系上下文,总觉得这个翻译让人摸不着头脑, UNTIL I FIND YOU怎么样 go to the other side of the ocean 我想问下,怎样可以让自己尽快成长起来. 雾可以形成云吗?如果不可以!那天气预报中“雾转多云”怎么解释? What we learned today may not be useful tomorrow.求翻译