
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 04:19:39
Tony's sister is____to take care of the little baby.选择什么答案 新学期新打算500字 ___ in a heavy traffic jam in a taxi while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.A Having caughtB Being caughtC CaughtD Having been caught 新学期的新打算 500字急 高二一道英语题..Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from __ their parents speak at home. A,what B,that C,which D,one 答案是A…我觉得是C.额 为什么C不行呢?..( ̄∞ ̄) Are there any new ideas 〔 〕at the conference (A) com up with (B)being come up (C)coming up (D) coming up with the coach is very strict____his players____their training.A,in;withB,with;inC,with;onD,in;on]说明理由 填写适当短语put forward expose to contribute to think about look into know about spread through link to absorb in slow down1.He appear__sports news on the back page of his paper and ignore the hurrying crowds.2.Every teachter and every student 《北京的春节》的语言特点是什么不要把文章写一遍啊! 北京的春节 一律 清一色 都 通通 这些词语发现了什么? 什么是英语二重单词,怎样判断?怎样读出来呢? My sister is too young___herself.A wear B to wear C dress D to dress 英语翻译1992年,永得集团在上海创立,自一个小小的厂房开始,始终致力于追求品质的完美,历时近数十年的努力,永得已成为国际辅料行业中最具竞争力的企业之一,产品主管服装商标、吊牌标签 小学语文教师自身的使命是什么 联系语文课程标准的学习试谈谈小学语文学科的教学目标及各年段主要教学任务 这些单词都用英语怎么读,读阿读的时候用汉语打出来 请问几个中文转英文的词如何读?DIY地带,DIY乐园,DIY空间,自由DIY. 英语,读句子,根据所给汉语提示写出单词1. Look, Mum! All the boxes in the room are filled with_______蔬菜).2. Many people died in ______(自然的)disasters every year.3. Reading English aloud every day will of course help you t 一个游泳池长50米,宽30米,深2米.(1)内壁和底面涂上水泥,如果每平方米需要水泥2.5千克,共需水泥多少千克?(2)如果池中水深1.8米,可装水多少立方米? 11.Riding bikes has advantages _______ driving cars ________ many aspects.A.above; in B.over; in C.on; on D.with; on12.________ to give up smoking,he threw away his ________ cigarettes.A.Determined; remained B.Determined; remaining C.Determ 一个长方体游泳池长50米,宽30米,深2米.一个长方体游泳池长50米,宽30米,深2米,游泳池占地多少平方米?延游泳池的内壁1.5米处用红漆划一条水位线,这条线的长度是多少?现在游泳池内的水正好到 求救以下高二英语试题讲解!急1.find有没有被动式?2.the last one to arrived pays the meal.为什么用to arrived?3.a childen talked so loudly at dinner table that i had to struggle to be heard.为什么用to be heard?4.when asked why h 高二英语试题作文求解答, 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处.第一组:basic,pregnant,comprehension,cigarette,alcohol,chemist,female,stress,quit,perfect1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine,which gets people addicted.2 On some bus 盒子里有2个白球2个红球,任意摸两个,摸到红球的可能性是多少 盒子里有两个红球和两个白球 任意摸出两个 摸到一红一白的可能性是 如何做好生物科代表近几天老师让我当生物科代表,方法! 初一下学期生物科代表竞选稿600字左右,有说服力,富文采,一次追加50分!我的生物全班排第一耶 一个游泳池,长50米,宽40米,深2米,在池的底面和四抹上一层水泥.抹水泥的面积是多少平方米? 如果每平方米用水泥4、5千克,一共用水泥多少千克? 您也曾这样吗?——写给爸爸妈妈的信 关于“白昼24小时,黑夜长0小时”的论述,以下正确的是A.肯定在两极地区B.北半球夏季、南半球冬季C.太阳直射点在北回归线上D.北极为极夜、南极为极昼 24小时全是黑夜称为什么 全是白天又称什么 ‘’‘’‘’‘’