
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 21:55:11
写的是什麼?没人看得懂前三个字.第二个像“狸”. 保送读研的英文翻译? 阻值多大不短路为什么在电路中加一个电阻哪怕很小的电阻就不会短路?按理来说,电路中的导线也是有电阻的,为什么火线零线直接接触的话就会短路?那么阻值多少才不会被短路?有公式计算 云南大学的翻译硕士好吗? 英语翻译今年新增了118所招收翻译硕士的院校,初试分数线较去年相比会下降吗?C区预计会是多少? 想考云南大学的翻译硕士,英语方向,可是不知道怎么准备,大三了 2008年奥运会的标识,构思取材于中国古代哪一种字体 08北京奥运会会徽象征什么?我知道一是“京”字,二是一个人,三是什么 his brother left his hometown and didn't come back any longer(保持句意不变)his brother left his hometown and ____ _____ went back lease agreement是什么意思 tacit agreement是什么意思 secondment agreement是什么意思 轿车 希望 商店在现代汉语词典上查的 store 和 stock 作为名词时有何区别 the host rushed into the rain,a leaving the guest waited b left the guest waiting c leaving th...the host rushed into the rain,a leaving the guest waited b left the guest waiting c leaving the guest waiting d left the guest waited 英文名词 thrift store我知道中文翻译是节约商店,但其实是什么来的? please translate:It was the opinion of cooking contest judge that the dish had a blend of incompatible flavors. the name given to a number of related learning disorders.Please translate Please help me translate it , thanks. the key is the use of CREDIT.Individual unit headers - Partial credit may be taken for the operation of dedicated shutdown/trip devices that are actuated as a result of the event being considered. For determining 《归田园居》(其三)和《游山西村》都反映的是乡间生活,抒发的感情有什么不同之处? 无泽君主翻译成英文名字 pink-staining是什么意思? 英语翻译本文以XBRL在银行业的应用为切入点,首先对本文的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状及研究内容和研究方法进行了简要介绍,然后阐述了XBRL的原理、目标和优势、其分类标准及特 red-staining method Nuclei acid,originally isolated by Johann Miescher in 1871,was identified as a prime constituent of chromosomes through the use of the red-staining method developed by Feulgen in the early 1900s. spite onto 火车总站 德语怎么说? How to be a good host to Westerners?如何回答啊? 流口水 英文怎么说 英语“流口水”怎么说呢? "流口水"用英语都有哪些表达方式? 我流口水了的英语怎么说? They 的中文是