
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 16:07:58
Address:9/A/5 Saydabad,Ground Floor,Dhaka Green Hotel,Dhaka的邮编我们现在用的是UPS,如果没有邮编,这样是不是会另外收钱。 SWOT什么意思? this the reason___you are in favour of the proposal?AwhichBwhatCwhyDfor that ------ we think it is a miracle that they were able to do soA to this day B up till now 选哪个?新概念上面的迷糊了 hunderds of hundreds of times和 hundreds of times有区别吗 do sth.for hundreds of times 和 do sth.hundreds of times 哪个对?感觉以前两个都用过,但现在看文章中都没有for.那么这个短语中可以加for 在2014年湖南台跨年晚会上有一首歌,里面有一段叮叮叮叮叮的,这是首什么歌啊. 改写英语 she thinks it's relaxing的否定句 英语四级评分规则是什么? 英语四级的评分规则到底是怎样的啊? his mother divers car with he to school.这句话对么? 1.No one thinks she can swim so_____.A.good B.well C.fine D.nice she can swim.(改为否定句) Pets can play with you when you are boring.这句话里的boring对不对?还是应该用bored? He can't play with animals.(改为肯定句) Some factors can influence the interpretation of the word meanings in a textual这是语言学中的一句话,怎么翻译好呢?尤其是code是什么意思?Some factors can influence the interpretation of the word meanings in a textualcontext,such She thinks the thriller are scary (同上)___does she ___ ___ the thriller.___里面填什么? 改写英语1.I like chicken better than fish I____chicken ____fish2.Lin Tao is the tallest boy in his classLin Tao is____than____ ____boy in his class3.Science is not so interesting as musicScience is ____ ____ than one Music is ____ ____than one4.T 1.what‘s your favourite food?2.I am bored with that kind of music 3.Are students keen on computer 4.They got married two years ago 5.I wasn't able to finish the test paper.I was a bit short of time Lily and Maggie are good f_____.They a___ in NO.10 Middle School.Every day ,they g___to school b___After school,they p__ tennis or go to m_____lessons together.At weekends,they m______ friends or go r____.Both of them e_____Chinese.They f______very h They send mike every day.They are _________.打错了应该是They send milk every day.They are _________. 和read相像的英语单词 英语单词,音标,课文,Read的学习方法,我是五年级下学期科普版的 fell excited和get excited意思相同吗? we are only _______to prepare for the mid-June exam .Let's make full use of time.A one and a half month B a month and a half C one and half monthsD one and half a month在做中考语法专项练习, We should_____every minute before having the final exam.A make full use ofB.make used of C.make the use of为什么选A read和words这两个英语单词什么意思? 括号里应该填什么单词?( )at a red light ( ) at a yellow light ( ) at a green light What would have happened if only two of the sixteen water-tight compartments had been flooded? she considers it important that a market survey ------before putting the plan into practiseto be made or be made whyi cannot imagine what would have----the orphan if he hadn't been adopted by a kind couplebecome of or occurred to why个位老师同 What would have happened _____ ,as far as the river bank?A Bob had walked fartherB if Bob should walk fatherC had Bob walked fatherD if Bob walked father哪个?help and explain~thank you