
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:03:57
世界田径锦标赛刘翔什么时候决赛呀 现在是世界田径锦标赛?世界田径锦标赛不是在奥运会之后三年才举行吗?怎么现在就在德国开赛了? 世界青年田径锦标赛100米纪录是多少? 3根号4+17/27+根号25-根号16-根号13²-12² 4+27分之17的根号3+根号25-根号16-根号13的平方-12的平方 数学已知COSα=-12/13 cos(α+β)=17倍根号2/26 且α属于(π,3π/2)α+β属于(3π/2,2π)求角β 已知π 某人上午8点出发经过三个路段,先是上坡,再是平路,最后下坡,三段路距离相等,速度之比为1:2:3,12点到达终点,问10点他在哪一个路段? 在比例尺1﹕6000000的地图上,量得两地距离是5厘米,已知其中一段为平路,一段山路且平路和山路的比是2﹕3问平路和山路各有多少千米 已知2mn-m=10,n+3mn=8,求3m+2n的值?因为是应用题,所以请一步一步写, 当m=-3,n=1/2时m^2n+[2mn^2-(3m^2n-2mn^2)] 根据句意及首字母提示写单词1.Let's play s_____.2.My sister and I like p_____tennis.3.My father and mother are my p_____.I'm their d_____ 4.Tom has great sports c_____.5.O_____1st is our National Day.6.You can lean a lot about chinese h___ 根据句意及单词首字母写单词1.Dad,where do you stay when you are in Beijing?Oh,I stay in a h____.2.Num,when it's day here in China,the Americans are at n_____there,Right?3.Mr Jonhson understands Chinese,and he can speak and read Chinese.B 根据句意写单词及首字母提示写单词1.I think this movie is very b_____ 2.We want a lot of v_____and fruit.3.The teacher has a q_____to ask us 4.Sam is shutting n_____to the window 5.Jack play sport every day ,so he is every h_____ 6.Jenn 根据句意、首字母提示写单词 最好能写出这样写的原因o- 蓝藻和硝化细菌主要区别是什么,在获取能量方面 乳酸菌 蓝藻 和 硝化细菌的新陈代谢类型有个题是这样说的 从新陈代谢类型来看,乳酸菌是厌氧型.硝化细菌和蓝藻是需氧型 怎么错了?.... 有两个合数,又是互质数,他们的最小公倍数是200,这两个数是什么 已知等腰三角形一腰上的中线把三角形周长分为12厘米和15厘米求它的底边的长左边是2x,右边是平分的两个x,是求底边哦! 硝化细菌无氧呼吸的类型? 蓝藻无叶绿体却可以进行光合作用,硝化细菌无线粒体可以进行有氧呼吸,为什么如题 已知x²+kxy+16y²;是一个完全平方式,则k的值是( ) 有十支排球队比赛,用七天时间,每天每队最多打一场,怎么编排? 根据句意和首字母提示填写单词,完成句子.That is my cousin Anna.She is a good g( ). 根据句意和首字母提示,填写句子所缺的单词My mother is a m_____. She often meets her clinets and she's vey busy.2.I have a toothache. I must go to the d____ to make my teeth better.3.The all man in the blue uniform is Zhui Hui's fathe 根据句意和首字母提示填单词完成句子Our history teacher,Mr Hu is f_____,we enjoy his classes.Music is r_______.Listen to some music when you are tired.I like s_______,it's difficult,but interesting.M______ is short for mathematics.His 根据句意和首字母提示写单词完成句子.O---- l is National Day.These pants are too l------ for me.Do you have some short ones? 奥运会一场排球赛多长时间 如图14,在△ABC中,AB=AC,AD是BC边上的中线,△ABC的周长为50cm,△ABD的周长为40cm,求AD的长. 英语根据句意即首字母提示完成单词(.为填空单词)1.The baby is first front t. are just coming through2.On Friday,many students are t. after a long week of classes.这两个句子答案不一样 在三角形ABC中,AB=AC,AD⊥BC于D,且三角形ABC和三角形ABD的周长分别为50cm,40cm,则AD=还有解此类题的技巧 蓝藻细胞壁成分?