来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:49:12
雅思中的这句怎么理解啊?连接词在哪里啊?Instead,excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves,and freezing samples as they are found,dirt and all,concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy o 雅思口语连接词有用吗比如一些连接词 I guss I could start off by saying somethng that 之类的用在part2会不会引起考官的反感 辨析opinion/view/viewpoint1>While I understand your viewpoint ,I don't agree with you.2>What are your views on this problem?3>I'd like to give you some advice from a doctor's viewpoint.opinion/view/viewpoint有何区别?上述3句里该3个单词 是否有规范里有玻璃幕墙在不超过多少米高度或不大于多少面积就不需要做避雷?在规范哪里有? Congratulate you on___(success)in getting through the exam. 像邓稼先这样鞠躬尽瘁死而后已的中国科学家 ·"tune in"的连读是不是先读完[tju:n]然后再读[nin],还是先读完[tju:]再读[nin]? ·"tune in"连读发音是不是先读[tju:n]然后再读[nin],还是先读[tju:]再读[nin]? 春风又绿江南岸 明月何时照我还中的我是什么意思 The party is on the August 8th .改:__________改错误 是不是去the? 600字初中小小的不倒翁 Here is the Wheather forecast for Chinese New Year here is one day of the year that is second to none,the Chinese New Year can't go back rosi golan歌词最好中英对照,只有英文也可以. Can't Go Back 歌词 文件主题词下画线怎么画?文件的主题词下线是怎么画出来的? My suggestion is that a plan for study ( B ) at first. A.will be made B.be made C.was made D.madeMy suggestion is that a plan for study ( B ) at first.A.will be made B.be made C.was made D.made为什么选B 请解释清楚一点谢 i think we can get much when we help the people around us是什么意思 有臭味的瓢虫身上布满鲜艳的颜色是保护色还是警戒色? I miss you 和I think you说"我想你"可以用I think you 是对的还是错的?I think of you 和I think about you是对的吗? do you know you miss a "u" in the word "Europe"?这里的u前面为什么要用a不用an 为什么物体做曲线运动一定会有加速度产生如上 天坛的回音壁内的声学奇迹是三音石,它的位置正好在回音壁的内圆圆心上如果喊一声可以听到三四次回声,为 she is aknown as a great beauty The Great Wall is known for its beauty ______ its grandeur.A) the same as B) the same C) as well as you are damn great beauty you are damn great beauty Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty ___________in art and architecture .A.expressing B.expressed 背影 朱自清 课文中“我赶紧拭干泪”,“我赶紧去搀他”这两句中表现了作者怎样的心理活动? 百幕大三角? 朱自清背影中“我赶紧拭干了泪.怕他看见,也怕别人看见”为什么?急需您的回答, 百慕大三角区在哪里? 一个车字部一个展是什么字?可以组什么词?