
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 01:19:47
confidential和secret在用法上有何区别 英语语法的应用 Do you 和will you 用法区别?语境介绍:Tom,leave the windows open,________A:will youB:do you C:wouldn't youD:can you注释:能不能给出具体每个答案对应的语境? I'm sure this T-shirt ( )(match) her blue jeans 没有星星的月亮是什么样子的? 英语翻译内容是:理发师日常的工作是帮助顾客剪发,理发等工作.而且需要为顾客设计适合的发型.同时还要具备染发,直发和烫发等技能.以及要有一定的时尚品味与审美能力. As an English teacher ,what should /shouldn't you do after you teach your language?要一些英文举例 其实我有的是时间工作麻烦一点儿又何必介意呢?(改为陈述句) 其实我有的是时间,工作麻烦一点儿又何必介意呢?(改写成陈述句) 其实我有的是时间,工作麻烦一点儿又何必介意呢?(改写成陈述句)这句话 其实我有的是时间,工作麻烦一点儿又何必介意呢?改为感叹句 其实我有的是时间,工作麻烦一点儿不介意改成反问 袋中有5个黑球,3个白球和2个红球,在连续摸9次具9次摸出的都是黑球的情况下,第10次摸出红球的概率为多少画树状图和表格表求 Amy has enough money___the hair clip.Amy takes hair clips___Sandy's present.这两空分别填什么,前后是两道不同的题 amy buys sandy [ ] hair clips第1个回答的为满意答案 the hair clips don't match her favourite dress.同义句? Sandy looks very p___ in these hair clips . 关于英语口语的有什么证书? 英语口语证书有那些? 袋中装有大致相同的黑球、白球和红球共10个.已知从袋中任意摸出1个球,得到黑球的概率是2/5 ;从袋中任意摸出2个球,至少得到1个白球的概率是 7/9求袋中各色球的个数 The matches her new shirt.同义句转换The hair clip ( ) ( ) ( )her new T-shirt.The hair clip matches her new shirt.同义句转换 maryt bought her father a T-shirt 同义句急用......................... match her favourite T-shirt 啥意思 在物理学中表示磁导率的那个符号怎么读?注意我说的是磁导率而不是磁通! 以花开头写春的诗 描写春天的古诗有哪几首 I don't have any yellow hair clips.(改为同义句) I ______ ______ yellow hair clips. The Internet has become a part of everyday life for most Britons, says a report published this week __16___ market research company Netinfo.Just over 70% of people __17___ for the survey said the net had become essential. The survey reveals that emai How much are the yellow hair clips 同义How much are the yellow hair clips 同义句How much ___ the yellow hair clips ___ how much are the yellow hair clips改为同一句 how much ( )the yellow hair clips( ) 袋中有8个白球,3个黑球,再放进( )个( )球,摸出白球黑球的可能性就相同了 袋中有7个白球,4个黑球.任意摸到< >球的可能性大.至少要摸出< >个球,才能保证有一个是黑球. my greatest happiness is you