
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 10:43:39
Milk作为动词的过去式是什么? milk the cow的过去式 英语翻译中国重庆XX有限责任公司 华 我一生只爱你一人.用英文怎么写?求正确的写法 ... there isn't any sugar in the tea.there isn't any milk in the tea(合并成一句) There isn't any milk in the glass.(改为肯定句) 你最喜欢的科目是什么?英文翻译 按这种格式来(一空一词):______ ______ your ______? search for怎么翻译 翻译:我到处找这本书.(search) search.of翻译 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.They csn _____(make) a model ship 2.We are___(work) in the garden 用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.They can___(make) a model ship.2.We are____(wake)in the garden.3用所给单词的适当形式填空.1.They can___(make) a model ship.2.We are____(wake)in the garden.3.Janet is honest and____(f 30.Which eight-letter word has one letter in it? Which elght-letter word has one letter in it? which eight-letter word has one letter in it 的意思是什么 请专家和前辈介绍一些实用同步提高的语文数学辅导资料.状元笔记七年级数学(上)----这个材料好吗?请详 The scientists move from one place toanother in search of the rare animals.翻译下 翻译:The search proved difficult 怎么才能快速的提高英语水平 六、用所给词的适当形式填空. 4、They are ? model piane in the classroom .(make) 日记素材8个 日记有什么材料,我要直接的材料,不要庸俗的了 收集敬酒词敬酒祝福语和拒酒词?大哥大姐弟弟妹妹们帮帮忙啊! The photos are( photos of my family).对括号里的部分进行提问. 敬酒词怎么说我原来在政府机关基层工作,大半年前 我们基层的局长升到机关当局长了,于是把我也调到机关里来了,过段时间要请他和另一个局长吃饭(我到机关之后他去的我们原来的基层局), 平常的敬酒词怎么说?比如同事出去吃饭,一人敬一圈,大家多是随意的喝一点,为了活跃气氛,不为真的劝人喝酒 请问怎么说敬酒词?鄙人内向,较嘴笨,请问尊敬的各位好心人和有经验的前辈!鄙人经过一位领导的长辈的帮助与推荐,想在这位领导的公司接点业务,并想请这位领导及他长辈吃饭!如果鄙人想敬 请问喝酒时的敬酒词怎么说啊 朋友结婚我敬他酒该说什么样的敬酒词了 It is good work done.Please keep up with the good standard.For your information,I am checking your report everyday.Warm persoanl regards Must l play the piano on weekends?No,you ______.A.don't B.can'tC.mustn't D.needn't l,practice,must,the,before,computer,guitar,l,play,games,can连词成句