
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 14:10:35
目不明视是什么意思 只拣儿童多处行 描写海棠花的段落 write the title是什么意思,还要title的意思要title的音标 That I am trying to know you,so I am alway cae of you!什么意识? his mother tried-----(not swim) in the river. Sandy,_____(not swim) in the river not填什么填doesn't swim 还是 doesn't swimming后面是now “日不能两视而明”的下一句是什么? 怎样把CD上的听力传到手机上 circle and write the answers fill in the blanks. 直接3 multiplied 6 is 18.行吗,要加by吗 3 multiplied by 5 is 15.为什么动词+d,还有个介词by,不可能是被动语态吧? 3 multiplied by 5 is 15.请分析句子成分multiplied 做什么成分·?是做主补吗? 怎么下载英语听力到手机谢谢了 Chinese netizens doubt_________ they called Western freedom of speech,seeing the dishonest reports.Chinese netizens doubt_________ they called Western freedom of speech,seeing the dishonest reports about the recent riots in Tibet by some Western medi 写过去时1.ski 2.swim 3.walk 4.buy 5.dive 6.fly 7.see 能的过去时咋写? take a speech与give a speech的区别 give a this is (his) math book 对括号部分提问 用英语的方式回信,在最后要写“Write soon”吗 打开.exe时候出现 Filed to retrieve information about the archive.Please OK to exist. some information about the Appalachians,please in English(不是翻译这句话) 【高中英语】刚刚发生的事用过去时还是现在时比如,我刚起床,是i just get up还是i just got up还比如,我刚起床就看到了这个,是i just get up and see this还是用got和saw? 为什么英国国王的配偶王后敬称陛下,而英国女王的配偶亲王敬称殿下?这都是一国之君的配偶,怎么等级还不同呢? Be sure to hand in your English homework by tomorrow morning 中 为什么要用by这个介词呢? 速度~~速度速度~~不是要问意思 是要解释 为什么要用by啊 过去时还是现在时___(do) you know that he has returned home?横线上是填Do还是Did啊?如果是Do,回答时不肯定Yes了吗?因为就算之前不知道,听对方一讲,就知道啦。。。 french fries的真确音标 fries的音标 我环保 我快乐`因该是I am Green I am happy还是 I Environmental protection I am happy?但是好象二楼的语法不太对`我出的那两个语法都是错的`I am happy 是不是应该放到前面`环保的英语我一直定义不下来`GR It's too _____ .You can catch the train.A/late ...B/early ...c/later 雅思听力和阅读怎么提高啊?关键是单词要怎么背`我词汇量很少,四级差不多了,而且掌握得不是很熟练.据说雅思有8000单词量,我不知道从哪里下手,单词书太厚了不可能背下来的,而且很多词背 提高记忆单词最好是现象明显点的,