
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 03:56:20
初二英语练习题1.完成句子.Lucy's sister had a bad cold two days ago.(对划线部分提问,即“had a bad cold”)What _____ the ______ ______ Lucy's sister two days ago?2.Pedro is the most outgoing in his class.(改为同义句)Pedro 初二英语练习多题首字母填空Using h____too often many hurt your ears.It's harf to d___it.Let me show you its photo.句型转换A:Press this key and you can start the printer.B:You can start the printer ______ _______this keyA:If you are in 初二英语完形填空练习题How much do you know about manners. 初二英语书上的练习题答案外研版 workbook部分答案 初二英语练习题(简单)1 Where's Mr Lee?I have something unusual to tell him.You _______find him.He ___JapanA may not ,has gone toB may not ,has been toC can't ,has gone toD can't ,has been to2 There is _____milk in the fridge.Please go and 1到17,第九题不做. 9题. 16、17题 两道初二英语题~急~!In Texas and the southeast,there are s______ form time to time in summer and fall.It may be warm and wet but you can't d______ it. 1."Do you want tea or coffee?""_______.I really don't mind."A.None B.Either C.Neither D.All2."Which would you like,Coke ot tea ""________.I prefer coffee."A.None B.Either C.Neither D.Both一定要给我讲讲原因啊 1.Have you ever w____ the soap opera "Young Lives"?2.I'm m____ at him.I don't know what to do.根据首字母填空,. 1.我想这是你自己的事情,还是应该自己去.I think it's _______ _______ business.You should go there _______ _______.2.We decided to go hiking ________(代替)of going shopping. 28-34 快 初二英语题,急求解答!用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空quiet,late,quickly,slow,goodshe sings [ ].we like listening to her songs.I don't like to be [ ]the teacher speaks loudly and [ ].I can hear clearly.he always runs [ 句子改错(勾出错误的地方,改正在一旁即可)1)Stop fought.Everybody can have ice-cream.2)The sun's shone warmly last winter.3)Tome feels ill for three days.4)He rang that bell for two minutes.单词的正确形式填空1)-Shall I buy a 下列语句中,不是命题的是                 【             】(A)同位角相等,两直线平行 英语 (15 21:50:37)1.--Smoking is not allowed here.Can not you see the sign?   --Oh,sorry.I        it.A have not seen      B will not see     英语 (13 15:24:22)1.The Tower Bridge is in           .A Japan          B the UK          C Ch 为什么用钢铁制成的金属块在水中会下沉,而用钢铁材料制成的轮船却能便浮在水面上?请用所学的物理知识进行解释〔钢铁的密度等于7900千克每立方米〕【写出详细的解答过程】 科学 (22 19:16:56)有0—0.6安和0—3安两个量程的电流表,某次测量中用0—0.6安量程,但从0—3安量程的刻度盘上发现指针在2.3安得刻度上,则测得实际电流应是A.0.43安    B.0.46安  & 探究发现 (23 19:56:59)1、皮球的反弹高度与哪些因素有关?2、怎样折才能使纸飞机飞得远一些吗?3、晚间照镜子时,灯应放在什么位置才能看清楚自己的脸? 初二 物理 光学 请详细解答,谢谢! (8 19:18:56)简易天文望远镜.     远处的物体经过物镜成一个__的实像,落在目镜的__位置;这个实像经过目镜成一个正立__的像.如果你 某艘军舰排水量为3000t.(海水密度视为水密度,g取10N/kg)1.当着艘军舰满载行驶时受到的浮力是多少N?2.写下一批装备后,这艘军舰排开水的体积减少50m3,那么卸下这批装备的质量是多少kg? 英语 (2 17:54:0)My job is _______ babies---It must be very interestingA、Look after B、Looking upc、to Look after D、to look up 英语 英语 (17 18:29:52)success有复数吗?  英语 改为同义句 (21 16:24:56)He became a skating champion when he was  ten.(改为同义句) 英语 急,快,(24 14:21:41)句型转换 1.Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to Nanjing.→__  __ to ring me up as soon as you __ Nanjing.2.We are pround to live in such beautiful city.→We proud __  __ live in such a beautiful cit 英语 (1 21:3:56)thanksgiving 写5个句子 英语 (21 18:19:35)I think he ___(be)back in a week 17:45、19:00、20;20、21:45用英语怎么说?请打出英文!我要读出来的!(:-……a quarter 请写出对应的英语! 英语 英语 (24 9:17:21)Which  is ()   ?This   one  or  that  one  A.cheaper  B.heavy   C.biggest   D.the  small为什么是A而不是D?显然这里是比较级,那C为什 英语 英语!急 (15 19:48:54)My parents (         )my driving   lessons    last  week.Your handbag is ( ),Many young gils have this kind of handbags.My MP3player is(  &