
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 07:52:43
What can‘t walk,but can speak the truth?急还有What's the national flower of USA回一楼的...:是让你用英文答 的啊 He can play basketball()and he is a ()player.A.well;well B good;well C good;good D.well; good是不 是应该选c啊? Do you learn English in your school?用French选择疑问句 -Can I speak to Mr.White,please?-_____ 选择填空Who are you?I‘m at home.Speaking.Are you Mr.Zhang? Can I speak to Miss White,please?的意思 - Could I speak to Don Watkins,please?- ________A:I'm listening.\x05 B:Oh,how are you?C:Speaking,please.\x05\x05D:I'm Don. A,B两地相距40千米,甲乙两人分别从A地出发,甲先出发1小时然后乙以比甲每小时快2千米的速度出发,结果两人同时到达B地,问:如果甲早出发0.5小时,那么乙追上甲,两人离B地还有多少千米? 粉刷匠的英语怎么说 用坚固造句 A,B两地相距40千米,甲乙两人分别同时从A,B两地出发,相向而行,两小时后两人相遇,然后甲即返回A地,乙继续前进,当甲回到A地时,乙离A地还有4千米,求甲乙两人的速度 从上述有目共睹的事实中,证明他们的所作所为是无可指责的.病句修改 怎么回答这个句子:Traveling during the golden holiday week was a terrible experience for me 求MISS GOLDEN WEEK 的图 大家都有目共睹是病句么? The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.这个名言里面one是什么意思,在英语语法里面是什么用法呢? 统一着装有什么好出?为什么要统一着装统一着装只是为了方便吗? 你们谁知道The good lifeone inspired by love and guided by kowledge . And you,good life,since it is the pursuit of love,has been down...And you,good life,since it is the pursuit of love,has been down... 病句修改尽管这位隐形人很难对付,人们想出了许多制服它的办法 如果子弹进入绝对零度的区域会怎么样?当子弹或者一切运动的能力或非能量形式进入绝对零度区域,会有什么变化~我想知道当它进入绝对零度区域是在进入的那一刻就静止还是得消耗了自身 西班牙语一共有多少组二重元音? 英语翻译(求翻译 请教西班牙语里的二重元音应用!西语里的二重元音有什么用啊?在分音节的时候是看见二重元音纠纷在一起吗?还是分情况?比如 cien naipe quiedo 这都该怎么分音节? 翻译:A:it is going to be rainy next week.B:well,i should definately bring my umbella The magnificent museum _______________ (据说建成于)about a hundred years ago.is said to have been builtwas said to have been built哪个更合适,为什么 About one hundred years ago,many ed ucated people spoke French when they met people from other countries.Today most people speak English when they m eet foreigners.It has become the new in ternational language.There are more p eople who speak English 所有财富求英语日常交流口语 有听力加文档! 求一篇以 “We should always be grteful” 为题的作文不少于100字 西语o和e的发音 西班牙语中,元音a e i o u中的“e"到底怎么发音,是读“台湾-tai wan"中的ai,还是累-lei中的ei should the monorchy be abolished写一篇英语文章写一篇500字英文文章 关于西班牙语中e的发音1.ese 2.teme3.mete4.enfermero请问上面四个单词中的e分别怎么发音?都念作æ吗?我怎么听光盘上念得有发音念i啊?还有西班牙语中l的发音,是跟中文的拼音一样发l吗?