
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 09:35:56
I am.ven if heart-broken Also not with your sharing emotions You. 老友记第三季第一集Chandler这句里的 way out on a 上下文如下:JOEY:Cool!Aw,is Ross going to?CHANDLER:No,Janice.JOEY:Jan-ice.Uhh Cause I,just,I feel bad for Ross,you know,we always go together,we're like the three hocke-teers.CHANDLER 教室里的装饰品(国旗、团旗)哪里卖?就是挂在教室黑板上面的 学校教室挂的国旗尺寸 英语作文《我上高中的目的》高中英语作文 什么寸什么乱的成语 圆形罐的直径是3米长装20吨的东西它的高这么算 欢什么乱什么的成语 您好,能否将"the sound of your voice" by carol fleming的文字和音频发我一份,谢谢.ldy-sh@163.com 这句粤语“其实…算o左,呢句话我d唔打算话俾你听了. 三斤半的棉花和1500克的铁,哪一个更重一些 功盖三分国,名成八阵图称赞的是谁? 产品450斤,分两种,一种750克,一种1500克,各多少斤 1500克= 斤? 1斤= 克? 帮我英译汉,请问你是哪一位(电话用语)两种、感觉不适、请问你是Linda吗、I can't find my favorite story book.的同义句、最后、有病了.就这些要求快 行开,唔想讲嘢 什么意思 呢几日冇咗幽默感,讲嘢都有啲结巴 Green management measures such as certified environmental management systems (EMS) or tools like life cycle assessment activities are considered to improve corporate environmental performance directly by mandating companies to introduce environ-menta 1500克几斤 1500克是几斤 1)in this way 2)in no way 3)in a way 4)in a/one word 5)in words 6)keep/hold one`s word 7)have a word with sb.8)look on 9)look sth.through De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek considers it important to keep clients advised of current legal developments and we regularly send you newsletters,legal alerts and invitations to events we organise or jointly organise by e-mailthe new telecommunication 1500镑合多少公斤 going out on 是暑假游玩玩还是社会实践啊?暑假游玩怎么说:社会实践怎么说: that day you went away 的歌词 英文的 高一数学问题 诚心请教详细见图http://i3.6.cn/cvbnm/f2/f1/6e/c5e0c33e38a14812aadacf4e7eddfd57.jpg 已知f(x)=(bx+1)÷(2x+a),a,b为常数,且ab≠2,若f(x)·f(1÷x)=k,求常数k的值.请写出过程, 上虞市道墟有几所小学 分别叫什么? 浙江省上虞市道墟镇邮政储蓄的具体地址隔龙盛集团最近的邮政储蓄 下面是某小学五年级学生的视力:假性近视32%视力正常38%近视30%(1)视力正常的有75人,视力不良(包括假性近视)的人有多少人? 五年级抽查十名同学视力情况(数据略)你认为用哪个数据代表全班视力的一般水平比较合适?是中位数还是众数? 英译汉下面的文章,After reading some of the letters printed in this newspaper,I’m beginning to believe that the carbon monoxide(一氧化碳)in this city’s air curing the past year has already affected some people’s ability to think