
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 04:43:25
It snowed heavily in the north of China.Big snows fell on Beijing,Hebei,Shanghai ,Ningxia andXingjiang.For many cities,ti was biggest snowfall in 50 years .The snow made travelling hard.Many schools had to close for days.……"If the snow didn't mak 精心翻译一篇英文文章,对自己的英语水平提高,有显著作用吗? 翻译英文的文章,对提高英语水平帮助大吗? 下面是老舍在20世纪60年代赠与巴金的一副对联.分析这幅对联的特点和含义上联 云水巴山雨 下联文章金石声 小孩读书不专心怎么办 小孩子读书怎么样才可以让他专心 孩子不专心读书怎么办 His parents went to some other cities___Shanghai and Beijing last year. A.except B.besides C.as well as D.rather than麻烦有知道的解释下选哪个答案 求个水瓶座男孩的英文名!姓名:马建飞 年龄:20 要此英文名包含姓名里面的一些字母,而且要体现出水瓶座. 水瓶座男生取什么英文名?以前叫Sunny,不过听别人说Sunny是女生的名字.大家帮我取个英文名字,最好是S开头.我是属狗,B型血. in summer shanghai is __ than beijing ,but chongqing is ___ than these two cities .A.hot; hotter B.hotter ; even hotter C.hotter ; hottest D.very hot ; hottest 水瓶座的男取什么英文名我姓王想取个英文名给个意见 有62吨面粉,用载重8 吨的汽车运输,问用几辆汽车可以一次运走?(用两种方法来解答) 我是不会放弃的 英文是什么? 水瓶座的英文名开头是M,中间最好有个Q,女生的说错,开头要是W 上联;字纯句朴文章秀,下联必须原创!急. look,the boy _____ football over there. the Big Apple是指New York还是New York City?一直很困惑,New York是指纽约地区,New York City是指纽约市,那Big Apple是指纽约地区还是纽约市? new york is a very big c___ in america .tall b___ are common in the city.new york is rich but it faces many problems.there are t____ many cars andbuses on the road .and it's noisy in the city .but new york is still an attractiveplace to l____and work shanghai is an i____ big city.there are lots of foreigners from all over the world living here 用括号里单词的正确形式填空What date is it today It's September the( )(twenty-one) 怎样写寄去外国的信封 _________________?it's july 11th today. 问个选择题There is___ old football under the bed.I like to play ___ football.( )7.There is______ old football under the bed.I like to play ______ football.A.an,/ B.the,the C.the,/ D.an,the我感觉要选D,我认为虽然球类运动一般不用t We like to play football.(对football提问) 阳光男孩英文是怎样写的? 请问是怎么计算的,麻烦告诉我一下.谢谢~ 为什么在英语中在电话里介绍自己时不能用I'm Amy而要用This is Amy呢? Tony is a 12-year-old boy.Today is his _______(twelve)birthday 快 英语能力竞赛高中组的问题几等奖有加分啊...考大学可以优先.录取吗..我帮朋友问的...进了决赛要拿名次难吗 高中参加全国英语能力竞赛有哪些好处?对高考有用吗? 全国高中生英语能力竞赛奖励