
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 05:21:21
你做过的最勇敢的事,英语作文.8:00之前给我的话加分! 供应:冲压件与铸件有什么区别 冲压件与铸铁件有什么区别 什么是拉伸加工?适合什么样的工件加工?拉伸件与冲压件有什么区别? 为什么距首次登月已经40多年,人类再也没有再次登月? — This time I really want to quit smoking.— _____________B_________________________.A.It takes you a lot of trouble to do that.B.It’ll be really hard for you,I suppose.C.That’s very kind of you.D.Don’t tell others.请高手讲下为什么 已知椭圆的焦点是F1(-1,0),F2(1,0),P为椭圆上一点,且绝对值F1F2是绝对值PF1和绝对值PF2的等差中项1)求椭圆的方程2)若点P在第三象限,且角PF1F2=120°,求tan角F1PF2 1.已知椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的右准线与x轴交于点A,点B的坐标为(0,a).若椭圆上的点M满足AB=2AM,则椭圆C的离心率为?2.点M是椭圆C:x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)上的点,以M为圆心与x轴相切于椭圆的焦点F,圆 问:这个红色的式子表示什么?问2:那个x1+x2=1 这个式子为什么是红色式子的解的和?第一问问错了:应该是椭圆的方程和直线的方程要是联立表示的是什么啊? 泓妤怎么念?查字典都是第2声,这样念就变成红鱼了,很难听.可人家说的时候是前面第2声,后面第3声.到底怎么念? 妤 这字念什么? 左罗的面具主题曲I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You的歌词 the bad news ___that my english teacher said ___I wasn't good at speaking.A.was whichB.are that C.is thatD.were that lilei said that is right.这句英文错在哪里?那如果加双引号了呢,lilei said :“that is right.” 姝言是什么意思 姝女是什么意思 静姝什么意思 彼姝者子,何以告之. 以protect our eyes为题 关于保护我们眼睛的初二英语作文 求英语作文how to protect our eyes "_____ and then you can pass the exam." my teacher said."_____ and then you can pass the exam." my teacher said.A.Working hard B.Work hard C.Worked hard我知道这题答案是B,但是我想请问一下,为什么? I want to go back No matter I never give may i give this book back to you的意思 Don't be afraid speak ____,please!The teacher said ____.Don't be afraid speak ____,please!The teacher said ____.A.loud;loud B.louder;loudly C.loudlier;loud D.loudly;loudly 这个字怎么读“姝”? “姝”怎么读?它是一个什么字? 姝字用用英文怎么读?我指的不是拼音读法,比如;金,英文写下来就是KIM “姝”字的拼音 ---▁▁is it today?----It's April Fool's Day A.what B.howC. what day D.what date回答的详细点,谢谢 姝字什么含义? loving to love Addiction to love you中文翻译