
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 05:36:14
ought to ,should,had better 有什麽区别? 关于should had better ought to 的区分,错误的修改,正确的写C1.My mom ought know that I miss her.2.The teacher had better test the students soon.3.Ought they work so late on a school night?4.Desiree shouldn't wait to write her paper.5.Th 我孩子读六年级英语不理想?我想要个 如何判断主语,谓语,直接宾语,间接宾语,宾语补足语,表语?有什么简单的方法吗? 英语翻译Prices for many widely traded goods have fallen recently after big increases earlier in the year.Oil,the world's most widely traded commodity by value,led the way.Oil prices fell in part because of a recently stronger dollar.Most oil is t 高手来翻译一篇VOAAGRICULTURE REPORT - Hybrids This is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. Since ancient times, farmers have chosen the seeds for the coming year from the biggest and best plants in their crop. The hope 从一块长300米的,宽200米板中间截去一个小长方形,剩下的长方框的四周的宽度一样小长方形的面积是原来面积的一半,求这个宽度(精确到1米). 从一块正方形铁皮上剪下一块宽度为4cm的长方形铁皮后,剩下的长方形铁皮的面积是12平方cm,求原来正方形铁皮的边长 英语下句是Yes.he had live there for 15 years befor he came to china 上句怎么说 什么是主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语麻烦用这种简单的形式表达:如,我吃苹果.“苹果”就是宾语.我吃红红的苹果.“红红的”就是定语.语法书我一堆, 如何区分句子中的表语,宾语补足语,定语和状语? using the example of matteo ricci, discuss the difficulties encountered by early jesuit missionaries in china, and how they tried to overcome them discussion 的问题~用中文回答也可以~麻烦大家了~ 一块长方形铁皮,长边减去6厘米,短边减去3厘米后,得到的正方形的面积比原长方形的面积少了54平方厘米,求原长方形铁皮的面积.不要方程解答. There will be no more plants here in many years.(变同义句) you can go fishing if your homework1.will be done2.is done3.was done4.has done presents(+should,shouldn't,must,mustn't)be things people use a lot用哪个情态动词? clumsy birds have to start flying early为什么时候加ing The boy hurried to school without breakfast为什么用过去时 英语翻译[Fudzilla]Nvidia is scared of ATI’s successAfter almost two years,Nvidia launched a presentation where it wanted to educate Analysts that R680,Radeon HD 3870 X2 is a bad,bad thing.Our colleague Charlie from The Inquirer has posted an in 某物理兴趣小组为了探究地球表面水吸收太阳能的本领,做了如下实验:用一脸盆装6kg的水,水的表面积为0.1m2,经过太阳光垂直照射15min,水温升高了5℃.问:(1)实验时6kg的水15min内吸收了多少热能?( they have been collecting stamps for 10 years在 collecting stamps下画线了 对画线部分进行提问( ) have they ( )( )for 10 years? 英文综述写好了却不知道投哪一个杂志好,影响因子高一点(>2分)比较好发的SCI杂志有哪些呀? 求sina-sina^3的最值,不要用导数的方法! Have skill you 求俩套气势另类词,我与几个兄弟连麦用, 求我是黑社会 另类麦词 还有我的三轮车 旭英文名怎么说 旭耀的英文名应该是什么公司名字旭耀光电希望用谐音。 找错the foreign friends have got used to eat Chinese food 1)Sally has been in China for 10 years ,so she ____(has got used to ,has used to )the Chinese food. The foreigners are getting used to use the chosticks填USE的适当形式 omini people on the kappa的衣服上写的