
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:54:19
请问各位学英语有啥好软件? 学英语有啥好办法啊 学英语有啥好方法? 伊索寓言的文学价值 危险用英文怎么拼写 危险英文 明天考四级要准备些什么? Where‘s Tom?His mother___him now A.is looking for B.woill look for C.has looked for ↓D.looks for little tom is ----boylittle tom is ____boya.a most b.a more c.the most d.the more详解little tom is ___polite _boy We will be back in ten minutes.will +原形动词不是将来事吗为什么不直接 will back .中间还要加个be. 我的初一奋斗目标(英语作文)展望新学期,你的初一奋斗目标,要英语的,不要太长,生词不要太多,一两个就行了, 初一下学期关于新学期将如何打算的英语作文wu 寒假新天地里古文《螳螂捕蝉》有什么感受?(可联系生活实际来谈一谈)怎么写那个感受? 英语翻译 谁有泰戈尔的是上最遥远的距离英文翻译? 元旦快乐.6.节间可以判断枝条的年龄6.节间可以判断枝条的年龄 .这句话错在哪里.请帮忙改改. don't worry.the meeting _____(start)in 20 minutes填空 来回答几个简单的生物填空题.新年快乐.2.胚乳是由 发育而来的,种皮是由 发育而来的.胚珠将来发育成 ,子房将来发育成 .3.草莓的茎是 ,果实是 .无花果的果实是 .4.植物叶的 根毛是 组织.叶肉 风筝升起来了(扩句)写出什么样的风筝怎么升起来了 一道生物 题 求生物帝(2008年长春质检)孟德尔在对一对相对性状进行研究的过程中,发现了基因的分离定律。下列有关基因分离定律的几组比例,能说明基因分离定律实质的是 他用手放起风筝.扩句理想的风筝那课的,请根据文意 英语帝快来,改错题It is a teacher's job to make sure that sure that everyone of his students feels confident in preparing himself for the future.There was such a long line at the exhibition so we had to wait for about half an hour.By the time 弟弟喜欢风筝.(扩句) 风筝落下来了 扩句 英语翻译能不能具体分析下got to be right up there with bobbing 这半句话我看不懂啊 读文言文《狼》有感 The child with his parents _____trees the whole four hours.A.plantsB.have been plantingc.has been planting顺便说一下为什么,涉及到了什么知识点(所有的) WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE TOMORROW?中为什么要用介词LIKE? 填介词 here's the weather report_tomorrowMr smith has many pigs _____his farmfather is cleaning his car ______the houseI get up ___ six o'clock in the morningwe are eating dinner_the tablemy birthday party is ___friday,___the tenth of june,_______ Can you tell me (w ) the weather is like tomorrow 翻译be fascinated with 烤鸭一枚,急求《十天突破雅思写作完整真题库与6-9分范文全解》和新东方的《IELTS9分写作》PDF,万分感激~