
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 03:07:06
选用“should”“ought to”“had better”“have to”“must”及其否定式填空.1.She ( ) be treated like that because she was done nothing wrong.2.-( ) I hand in my homework tomorrow morning?-No,you needn't.3.Children ( ) play football You don't __do it if you don't want to.A,had better B ought to C must D have to请问该选哪个选项.另外请说出选择的理由,和其他答案的错误之处. 用情态动词should,shouldn't,have to,had better,had better not,must,must not填空1.Maybe you?call her up2.you play in the street.It‘s dangerous.3.you eat anything in class .It’s not polite4.you are ill.you see a doctor5.you go out in bad weat When are you going in vacation?这句话对吗是不是When are you going for vacation? The cook is (cooking nice food) in the restaurant 《对括号部分提问》 英语翻译When we grow together,we grow stonger.The focus is always on helping achieve your goals.Change as an inherent element in the business environment has taught us to streth our business frontier to immeasurable distances.Experience has taugh 石春祯英语阅读理解220篇,这本书如何?我现在准备考大英六级,用这个书如何?还是考研的时候买的,没做完,几十块,扔了可惜了。大家给个意见先! 2012年石春祯英语阅读理解220篇什么时候出版 石春祯英语阅读理解220篇在吉林哪可以买到 matlab中p(n)=[];是什么意思?m=input('m=');p=2:m;for i=2:sqrt(m)n=find(rem(p,i)==0&p~=i);p(n)=[]; %……endp中间的那行 p(n)=[]; are,you,when.going,bookstore,the,to 连词成句 连词成句going,and,you,where,when,there,are 求解答!are going when you there连词成句 when,you,are,to,work,going 连词成句 求高人翻译这句中文为英文:希望你有事能当面说清楚! 考研英语阅读 人大张锦芯的200阅读怎么样考研阅读需不需要模拟题,谁的较好,请推荐,一定要有详细做法和全文翻译.不喜欢石春帧的,他的字太小(看着不舒服,直接不想看) matlab Attempted to access x(2); index out of bounds because numel(x)=1.在求解非线性方程时遇到问题自定义方程 function y = myfun(x) %定义函y=[3*x(1) - cos(x(2)* x(3))- 0.5;x(1)^2 - 81*(x(2) +0.1)^2 + sin(x(3) ) + 1.06;eps(-x (1) * people sing songs or play music怎么化主谓宾 His music is very difficult of people to play.挑一处错误 改正过来 一根长72厘米的木条制作成一个长5条宽6条的长方形相框,它的长和宽分别是多少?接头处不计. curtain的音标是怎样的 cut curtain bush measure jack 的音标 One day Mrs.Green took several pairs of shoes to a shoemaker to be repairedOne day Mrs Green took several pairs of shoes to be repaired.After a few days picked them up and put them away.Six months later,She and her husband were asked to dinner.She to 翻译:The son of two great basketball player. 已知等腰三角形的周长是40cm,求腰长ycm关于底边长xcm的函数解析式 求自变量取值范围 画图像(写出坐标就 times square怎么翻译 英语翻译 BECAUSE OF YOU MY LIFE HAS BEEN BETTER ONE I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS MOMENT 锻炼的英语,do some exercise要不要加ing 2011北京春季英语会考第二篇阅读还有最后一篇阅读第二篇讲的是做面包的、那个有一问是做面包的第一步、选哪个?还有c篇答案 matlab里为何double型运算比int64型运算快很多代码1:tica = ones(1000,1000);b = 2*ones(1000,1000);for kkkkkk=1:100 c = a.*b;endtoc;tica = ones(1000,1000,'uint64');b = 2*ones(1000,1000,'uint64');for kkkkkk=1:100 c = a.*b;endtoc结 求 慎小嶷 《十天突破雅思口语 剑8版》 MP3 ,拜托啦,邮箱maxuanwei.6199@163.com...麻烦