
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:03:53
what__a glass of orange 怎么血 5,6,7, 化学(5)(6)(7)(8) 畜牧场有奶牛和肉牛共105头,其中奶牛的头数是肉牛的四分之三,奶牛和肉牛各有多少头? My first teacher shook me by the hand last week and said he was still in good health. when zhe gods want to punish you they answer your prayres是什么意思 Mom,I can’t find my keys.———————— Are they in your drawer?补全对话下来是:————————And they are not on the dresser.How about the desk?————————NO,I can‘t see them there.Maybe they are unde Yes,I did.的问句 什么问句回答yes ,i do 永远阳光繁体字怎么写 光的繁体字怎么写 太阳繁体字怎么写 光的繁体怎么写 young readers,more often than not,find the novels of Dickens far more exciting than that of Thacker1.more often than not,than后面省略了什么?2.more often than not 整个是相当于一个副词,来修饰find吗?3.more often than not移动到句 you have worked out the plan and now we mest put it into_____ A.fall B.reality C.practice D.deed 选什么 _____ is often the case,we have worked out the production plan.A.Which B.When C.What D.As 选哪个 为什么 语法结构分析 是否用了倒装等. His mother is ill.He __lookafter her at home用must行不/ 翻译:we have worked out the production plan. Yes,I do.Because I have a car 写出问句 Yes,I often do housework on weekends.的问句 Can tigers swim ,really?这句话对吗? Can really tigers swim 改错 英语的一些练习题需要解答,连词组句:swim really can tigers They reading are in studythe books .用所给的动词的正确形式填空Look,They____(have)an English lesson.还有一个,They_______(not,water)the flowers now. 将这三个短句改成一个长单句①乔布斯是美国苹果公司联合创办人、前行政总裁.②他先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机、iMac、iPod、iPhone等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃 把下面这几个短句改写成一个长单句,可以改变语序,适当增删词语,但不得改变原意(5分) 《游春图》是我国现存最古老的一幅山水画.《游春图》的右上角是宋徽宗赵佶题写的“展子虔游春 短句合并成单句------(1)蚁族,并不是一种昆虫族群.(2)蚁族,是指大学毕业生低收入聚居群体.(3)之(3)之所以将该群体名之为蚁族,是因为这个群体和蚂蚁有许多相类似的特点:高智,弱 He must have stayed up late last night,didn't he 翻译句子, 英语改错题 He was late this morning. He must get up late. A.was B.late C.must get D. late. NO my home is not far from the school根据答句写问句 My home is far from the park 的问句是什么 No,the zoo is not far flom my home.的问句. 组词大什么小什么大(1)小(2)(1)(2)添(1)和(2)是反义词