
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/08 07:22:52
Kate is buying a sweater and I want to buy ____,too. 兔子歇后语 英语 至少两个要英文版的 英文 两个就好………………………………………………没有知道的吗…………………………? 描写蝉的句子 词 不要诗句 I want to buy a sweater 对a sweater 提问()()you want to () They work very hard to save animals _____ accidentsA.out C.from do you want to buy two pens 同义句 甲乙粮库化肥量比是12比11,后来乙库又运来24吨,这时甲库比乙库少九分之一,乙库 原来是多少吨 My pen is lost .So I want to buy ______ one A.other B. the other C.others D.anotherMy pen is lost .So I want to buy ______ oneA.other B. the other C.others D.another All have lost the one I want not to belong to The store sells pens.I want to ( )some.()里填buy还是take,最好说说原因, 求解They _____ no sooner ______ home than it began to rain.had,got第二个空为什么不填gotten?第二个空能否填reached?还能填什么词?home在句子中是什么词性?名词还是副词? she wants to have glass of milk(同义句替换)哪位知道,谢谢了. i want[ ]a glass of milk?在括号里里填上适当的词 为什么人都说:《孔雀东南飞》?是为什么?有什么典故吗?谁能告诉我?谢谢 ----Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to type a report.----You________ have my computer if you don't take care of it.A.shan't B.might not C.needn't D.shouldn't答案给的是.为什么不选B?B更委婉啊? ----Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to type a report.----You________ have my computer----Excuse me,but I want to use your computer to type a report.----You________ have my computer if you don't take care of it.A.shan't B.won't C.needn't D.s you will have to spend_writing your report day or two days day or two c.a day or two d.two days or one答案是c 为什么 蝉是一篇短小的什么散文? Please have a cup of milk.求汉语 用a,have,milk,shall,glass,of,we造句 Cry用中文说,音标,例:dog,倒个 孔雀东南飞是谁写的? purple用中文,音标,例dog,倒个 孔雀东南飞的原名是什么? My birds___by one of my best friends when I'm away.A.will be look afterB.will be look look afterD.will been look after 在please look after my clothes when i am away.中,为什么i am后面加副词away?不是说副词是修饰动词的吗?怎么能加到be动词后面呢?定语从句,前面那个句子中有动词就可从从句中修饰吗?感激不尽! 差压变送器有那几部分构成? 用草长莺飞、百花齐放、百鸟争鸣、欣欣向荣、绿草如茵这5个词写一段话200字 有湿滑皮肤的变温动物,在水里排卵来繁殖后代是狮子.扬子鳄鱼.河豚.娃娃鱼还是蜂鸟啊 属于脊椎动物 有湿滑皮肤的变温动物 在水里排卵来繁殖后代是狮子、扬子鳄、娃娃鱼还是蜂鸟从中选择一个狮子、扬子鳄、河豚、娃娃鱼还是蜂鸟 差压变送器的检测元件为什么要做成膜盒结构,用单膜片行不行? 1辆汽车,上坡4.5H,下坡3H,每小时40KM/H,共行180KM,平均每小时行多少千米?