
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:45:52
英语!It took her ( ) to write a few letters this morning.?请帮一下哦!谢谢It took her ( ) to write a few letters this morning.? A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times sound great的意思?正确的意思 great和sound词性是什么?到底选什么?This music ___________.A.sounds nice B.sounds well you sound great P是啥意思?这句话貌似听起来很耳熟啊! He seems to know this.写下每个单词在句中的成分.额,不明白,求大白! 求歌词是she is a lady i want to know的歌节奏感很强,英文歌,给全名 给个单曲连接 或是邮箱 royarfu@126.com歌曲剪切http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUwODYzNzEy.html 第一首. 歌词 ;get up 就算无路可退 是那首歌的歌词 got to get up 歌词 万钟则不辩礼仪的原因是什么? Noire Virginia Slims哪里有卖的Noire Virginia Slims这种烟哪里有卖的 Virginia啥意思 be+adj.+doing sth和be+adj.+to do sth哪个队 英语翻译求各位翻译一下这句英文 U WANT ME ON MY KNEES BUT I'M NOT GOING DOWN 应该怎么翻译?你想让我跪下来但我绝不从命? there be 与 have的区别是?如题3Q啦 There be 和have都有有的意思,有什么区别呢可以相互转换吗there be 主语真的不能是人吗,比如There are two boys.是错误的吗 virginia是什么啊 Where would like to go for vacation?翻译 通顺的 be adj to do/ be adj to be donebe adj to do ,be adj to be done有什么区别.分别怎么用 be+adj+都要加to do吗? be adj. to do 短语 10个 He didn't go into detail on the subject; he spoke in ____ termsA. common B. regular C. general D. ordinary1 请问这句话的意思2 该选择哪个? 为什么? Why don not you go home ( ) the winter wacation A.in B.on C.into virginia 是啥意思啊?virginia/song cau/uinataba 是啥意思啊? 成都瑞思学科英语如何 高中英语造句子我要租那套带家具的房子的可能性非常小——房主要价太高(possibility) 麻烦写清选项的与"got"搭配短语的汉语意义.---I hear you have got a ticket_______the pouplar film.---Yes,I got it ___________ my uncle.A.of,from B.to,by C.to,from D.for,to 造个句子,你的英语和我一样烂.用no more………than.造句, none与neither的区别 帮我写 How do sandstorms come into being,的英语作文, I have been there.此句汉语意思:(1)我一直在那里.(2)我去过儿. 求助,用There have been开头造一个句子.内容如题,句子不要太复杂