
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 19:48:12
relive sb of sth Lucy ran f of the five.So she got first place “all of us see from the start cause you are the in my universe. 怎么用英文翻译:我来自北港中学八年级164班? 关于插头电压的问题(110V)我最近很烦这个,又不是很懂,人在国外,很想弄明白我们中国式220V,加拿大是110V,那那些电器的运转,是怎么的?所谓的转换插头啥的究竟是什么原理?也不知道怎么问, 插头问题要买这种插头, 是电动车上用的.和普通的2极插头差不多, 但是是4极的 .我只想知道这插头叫什么. I am crying because you all!You may not leave!You forever are I belong to me,I have said! i has gone to/been to here for half year.我来这里已经半年了,能这样说吗?请指教指教,谢了!我不知道该采纳哪个答案,因为我的意思是想说我来这里半年了,BEEN TO 是表示去过某地方,但现在已经回来了 new email account是什么意思 next to 前面什么时候加be? next to 前面可以加动词吗?you can see your level right next to your avatar,and the level of the selected character( )next to theirs括号那个地方要加is吗?能举个例子吗? be next to get和fetch的区别 请问get back与fetch的区别…谢谢! fetch和get的区别;还有grow,become和get的区别 bring take get fetch的区别? fetch carry take bring get作带的区别 ,fetch carry take bring get作带的区别, You're welcome和Not at all的用法区别特别是他们在语境中的区分试分析下面题目:——I am so glad that I've got recovered so soon with your help.Thank you very much,Dr.Johnson.——_____________.A.You're welcome B.With pleas 有关not at all的用法he's not at all shy和he's not shy at all等不等于?也就是问什么时候是not at all什么时候是not... at all也就是说not at all和not...at all不一样 ,he's not at all shy和he's not shy at all不等, [急]not at all的用法如题,not at all 的用法什么? all in all,not at all,after all中的all何意?all还有其他不同的用法么? I don't know if he has a ……这里中间的“if”是干什么的?怎么翻译这句话? i don't know _ _ _(多少次) HE HAS TRIED. email account not at all什么意思?还有和这样相似的短语,大家都告诉我一下,我都搞不清楚的.大家帮帮忙拉 not at The teacher found him ___ boy.A.is a bright B.is a clever C.a bright Ted is a american boy.He found school The was late again ,which made the teacher angry.which引导的定语从句,修饰的先行词是哪个? Such being the case,there are no grounds to justify your complains.其中为什么用being? as such------the case,there were no grounds to be angry with him.用be动词的适当形式空,应该怎么填 Not at all.是什麼意思?