
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 07:30:05
who will be always there when I need a shoulder to cry on 帮忙翻译下.. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life.I hope I will have a shoulder to cry on when i need a shoulder to cry on. But if you will cry,cry on my shoulder什么意思? If you want to cry.I will lend me shoulder to you 谁能给我解释一下什么是杠杆原理?越详细越好! 明朝太监的老婆为什么叫,对食. 请给我讲解杠杆原理 脑筋急转弯 What eight—letter word has only one letter in it? 如何形容北风 雷声 泉水 小鸟 细雨 流水的声音 北风,雷声,泉水,小鸡和细雨的声音是什么? 英语翻译Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party.They became friends,and expected not to see each other again.But then,Gabriella's mother's company transferred her to another home i 《歌舞青春》中所有歌曲的英文歌名我在电影《歌舞青春》听到一些英文歌,但不知道英文歌名, 一架飞机飞行于甲,乙之间,顺风5小时30分,逆风6小时,风速是24千米每小时问甲乙有多少千米? when shall we have the meeting,on Friday or Saturday? ____will do. It makes nowhen shall we have the meeting,on Friday or Saturday? ____will do. It makes no difference to me.A. Any B Either C All D Both 正确时B 不过为什么both不可以呢?wil He will soon decide when we will have the meeting.(主动句改为被动句)When we will have the meeting___________________________. He will soon decide when we shall have the meeting改被动语态 The meeting _______ for five hours.No one knows when it will end.A has lasted B have lasted C las 填空( )( )花( ) 用花卉谚语填空_月腊梅雪里香,_月丹桂横枝黄._月石榴红似火,_月芙蓉正上妆._月菊花笑迎客,_月荷花满池塘. 八年级上册《故宫博物院》填图 八年级上册的14课故宫博物院 故宫的内廷包括()、()、和() 甲\乙两地相距48千米,有上坡路和下坡路,骑自行车从甲地到乙地,去时用了4小时12分,回来时用了3小时38分已知自行车上坡速度为10千米/小时,求自行车下坡时每小时知多少千米?用方程解是的,返 两地相距48千米,有上下坡路,骑自行车从甲地到乙地,去时用4.2时,回时用3.8,上坡速度10KM/小时,求下坡速度 仿写第一段.要求:写抗日战争胜利后的芦花荡是写抗日战争胜利后的芦花荡~ 仿照《芦花荡》第47段的心理描写, 芦花荡第三自然段~第八自然段描写老头子这一人物时主要用了( )描写、( )描写、( )描写的方法 表示数量多的四字词语 表示方法多的四字词语 数量多的四字词语 表示数量少的四字词语有哪些 好像(用它造句,要求不是比喻句)